햇빛은 싫어 느와르/대사
My name is Noire, and... W-wait a minute... Where are we going? | 私はノワール…ひ、ひぃっ!?…わ、私をどこへ連れて行くつもり…? |
Skies so pretty... Everyone laughing... Practically paradise. | きれいな空、人が笑う声…まるで楽園のよう… |
The ocean is boundless. When I see it...I want to create a future for my world that offers boundless hope. | 私たちの世界も、あの海のように…希望のあふれる未来にしたい… |
The sun's rays are so s-strong... Just standing outside for a few minutes, I get so sweaty... | 今日は日差しが強いわね。すぐ汗だくになっちゃう… |
Ahh! I SPY FOUL FIENDS FROM ANOTHER REALM! What? O-oh! Those are our allies? | ひぃっ!?あ奴、さては異界の敵!?え…あの人も仲間なの…? |
Oh... I'm doing fine. It's just that this swimsuit is a little tight...so I keep trying to adjust it. | えっ…別に機嫌は悪くないわ…ずっとうつむいてる、って?…この水着、胸がきつくて… |
친구 방문
Are...are you friends with [Friend]? I was asked to say hel— EEK! Don't come any closer! | [フレンド]の…友達?あ、挨拶を頼まれて…ひぃっ! それ以上近づかないで…! |
레벨 업
Maybe I do take after my mother... | 母さんを見習ったおかげかしら…? |
That went pretty well... I think. | な、なんとかうまくいったみたい… |
Mother did warn me that bad fortune would follow me... | そういえば…この方角は凶兆だって母さんが言ってた… |
Thanks to this...I think I'll be able to help out even more. | この力があれば、今よりもっと役に立てるわ… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Aah! DASTARD! DO NOT DARE CHASE ME— Oh, [Summoner]! I'm so s-sorry... I'm not scared of you... I was just caught up in an old memory. Life was so scary where I used to be... But it's so calm here. I catch myself wondering if it's even real... I hope that I can take my mother and all of my friends to visit the sparkling ocean I visited during the summer. It would be so nice, and we'd always have something beautiful to remember... I would be so happy if you came along, too, and stayed by my side. | ひぃぃっ!?き、貴様、さては私を狙う敵の――!?…あ、[召喚師]… ご、ごめんなさい…つい昔のことを思い出して…あなたのことは、怖くないから平気… 私は、とても恐ろしい世界にいたから…こんなふうに穏やかに過ごせるなんて、まるで現実じゃないみたい… あのきらきらした夏の海…母さんやみんなと、また一緒に行けたら良いな… きっと、素敵な思い出になる…その時も[召喚師]が隣にいてくれたら嬉しいな… |
えいっ | |
それっ |
くっ…! | |
貴様何をする! |
오의 발동
Into the sea with you! | 海に散るが良い! |
Tropical attack! | 南国アタック! |
Time to drown! | 沈めてやろう! |
What a summer! | 夏の思い出だ! |
The beach... So nice. | もう、海に帰りたい… |
うふふ… | |
This swimsuit—it's a LITTLE AWKWARD! | この水着…少し胸がきついかもしれないわ… |
I've always wanted to play tag on the beach, along the water's edge. | 波打ち際で追いかけっこするのに少し、憧れてるの… |
That's an interesting way you summoners have of greeting people... | ど、どうしたの? 召喚師の挨拶って、面白いわね… |
I do love the beach. But the sun is a little bit strong for me... | 海は好きだけど、日差しの強いところは苦手だわ… |
WHAT? Oh, my swimsuit was coming off? Thanks... | なに!? 水着がずれているだと!? 教えてくれてありがとう… |
The summer skies are so beautiful. Where I come from, it's never like that... | 夏の空、すごくきれいだったわ…私たちの未来にはなかった色だった… |
Someday, I'd like to take all of the Heroes I've met to the beach. I think we'd have such a nice time together. | いつか一緒に戦った英雄たち全員で…海に行きたいわ。きっと、忘れられない思い出になると思うの… |
아군 턴 터치
What? | な、なに…? |
This heat… | 暑くてのぼせそう… |
Ready to hit the beach? | 海に行くのね… |