미라 교단 최고사제 노마/대사


I am Nomah. If this is a meeting of Mila's providence, then I shall follow wherever your heart leads me.わしはノーマ。この出会いもミラさまのお導きなれば、御心に従いましょうぞ。

Follow the path before you. Trust in it as I in you.セリカよ、若者たちよ。おのれの信じた道をゆくがよい。
Zofia faces her darkest hour in some time. Sick and hungry come to the priory's door each day seeking aid...ソフィア王国は混迷をきわめておる。飢えた人々が、修道院にまで助けを求めてくるほどじゃからのう。
I traveled to Rigel, long ago. That was when I first met Mycen. Ha! We were both so young back then...わしは昔リゲルへ行ったときにマイセンと出会ったのじゃ。当時はお互い若くてのう……
What do you think of taking over the orphanage after me? I will welcome you anytime to Novis Island.わしの後を継いで孤児院をやらぬか?ノーヴァ島に来るなら、いつでも歓迎するでの。
Now is the time to create a world of hope and possibility for the next generation. Don't you agree?若い者には、希望ある世界を残したいものじゃ……

친구 방문

I seem to have found myself a little lost... Which way will take me to [Summoner]'s castle?[召喚師]の城はどちらに向かえばよろしいかな。すこしばかり、道に迷うたようでのう……

레벨 업

Life has taught me the limits of brute force. This was only possible because we have Mila's blessing.戦は力だけでは押し切れぬもの。この勝利はミラさまのご加護があってこそじゃな。
I'm not so bad myself, am I? I won't lose to you little whippersnappers just yet.わしもなかなかやるじゃろ?まだまだ負けんわい。
Bah! Stop treating me like a frail old man with one foot in the grave!
Though I admit all this fighting DOES take a toll on my poor back.


Lithe as a willow branch, thanks to you. I won't forget this.おかげさまで絶好調じゃ。物忘れもしておらんしの。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have no family of my own. I have dedicated my life to the teachings of Mila.
But I've had the chance to watch over Celica, Mae, Boey, and Genny... All such fine, noble-hearted youths.
They have given me so much joy. And I pray they'll each live out their lives unfettered and free... Though...
I did worry about Celica when she left the island, so I left too, for the first time in a long while, only to get lost.
Hm... And now, it is my back that is giving me trouble of late.
Bah! But don't treat me like a frail old man with one foot in the grave!
There is so much more I can do with you by my side. Yes... It is wonderful to be here, [Summoner].





오의 발동

I'm not done yet!まだまだじゃの
You fool!甘い!
Give up yet?どうじゃ?
So much fighting...やれやれ


It's up to you now...あとは…頼むぞ…


I'm Nomah, a sage from Novis. I'll be ready when you need me.ノーヴァ島の司祭、ノーマじゃ。よろしく頼むぞ。
Ow! Hey! Ow! What ever happened to "respecting your elders"?ひょっ!? こりゃっ、年寄りをからかうもんじゃない。
Zofia faces her darkest hour in some time. All I can do is put my faith in Celica.ソフィア王国は混迷を極めておる。あの子…セリカに託すしかない。
I may be an old man, but I'm not done yet.老いたとはいえ、わしもまだまだいけるぞ。
Mycen and I are old friends. And I know a few things about him he'd hate for me to tell you.わしとマイセンは旧知の仲じゃ。知られたくない話も知っておる。
Celica, Boey, Mae, and Genny... Ah! The little ones have given me so much joy and a sense of purpose.セリカ、ボーイ、メイ、ジェニー…あの子たちはわしの生きがいじゃ。
As long as you're fighting for a better tomorrow, I'll be at your side.お前がよりよき世のために戦うというのなら、わしは力を貸そう。

아군 턴 터치

I'm coming...よっこらしょ

캐릭터 페이지로