해변가의 의용병 노른/대사


Heya! I'm Norne. I've really been lookin' forward to this beach trip!こんにちは! あたしはノルン。夏の海、とっても楽しみにしてたんだ…!

I wish we could enjoy the beach without worryin' about all the fighting in the world...本当は戦いのない世の中でなんの気兼ねもなく海遊びができたらいいんだけど…。
I like both the ocean and the mountains. Either way, ya get pretty views and lots of critters!海も山も、あたしは好き。いろんな景色があって、いろんな生き物がいて…
I want to make lunch using the finest fish from the sea. I'll make enough for everyone, of course!海の幸を使ったお弁当も作ってみたいな。もちろん、みんなの分もね。
The beach would be even better if Kris were here! I was hopin' to get a second opinion on this swimsuit.せっかくの海、クリスも来ればよかったのに。水着姿、見せたかったなあ。
I just saw Princess Caeda on the beach. She looks so elegant, even in a swimsuit.さっき浜辺でシーダ様をお見かけしたんだけど水着姿でも気品があって素敵…

친구 방문

Hey there! I'm here to give ya summer greetings from your pal [Friend]![召喚師]様ですね。[フレンド]から夏の便りを預かってきましたよ!

레벨 업

The beach is real fun! I'm so full of energy!海って楽しいね!どんどん元気が湧いてきちゃう!
Let me know if you get hungry, will ya? I have some lunches ready to go!お腹が空いたら言ってね。お弁当、用意してるから!
Huh? My legs feel shaky... Was I having too much fun?あ、あれっ、ちょっと足元がフラフラしちゃう…はしゃぎすぎちゃったかな?


Aww, for me? Thanks! I'll gladly take a summertime gift!これをあたしに?夏の贈り物、喜んで受け取りますね!

5성 40레벨 달성

When I joined the Altean army and fought around Archanea, I was able to see beaches from far away.
I always thought it would be nice to actually go to the beach with friends and swim in the ocean.
Bein' able to realize that dream here in Askr has made me so happy!
Now that we've all relaxed on the beach, we can do our best in battle goin' forward.
When all the fighting is done, I hope I can come to the beach again with Kris and Lord Marth!


I won't lose!負けない!


I'll drown!溺れちゃう…

오의 발동

Try to keep up!いきますよ!
Can't compete with me!競争しますか?
Feel that ocean air!海って気持ちいい!
Splash fight!泳ぎましょ!




Check me out! Whaddaya think?見て見て、この水着。可愛いでしょ?
Oh! How'd you know I was thirsty? Thank you!きゃあっ! あ、飲み物もってきてくれたの? ありがとう!
I've actually never been to a beach. This is pretty nice!海に遊びに来るのなんて初めて。今日は楽しもうね!
Ahh! I'm so relaxed. It's hard to believe we're usually fighting...こんなに穏やかだと、普段の戦いが嘘みたいね…
There was a real pretty fish over there. It's too bad you missed it.とっても綺麗なお魚が泳いでたの。あなたにも見せたいな。
I wonder what Kris would say about all this...クリスは、この水着何て言うかな…
Oh hey, are you hungry? 'Cause I brought us lunch!泳いだらお腹が空いたでしょ? お弁当を作ってきたの!

아군 턴 터치

It's so hot today.暑いわね
Huh? Go where?こっち?
I'm on it!行ってきます!

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