라스트 프린세스 니나/대사


I am Nyna, princess of Archanea. We must join hands, end Dolhr's tyranny, and restore the holy kingdom!私はニーナ……アカネイアの王女。いまこそ手を取り合い、立ち上がりましょう。ドルーアを討ち、聖王国を再興するのです!

Despite the ruin the Dolhr Empire and its leader, Medeus, brought upon Archanea, I was not to be executed.ドルーア皇帝メディウスはアカネイアを滅ぼしましたが…私を処刑するつもりはなかったそうです。
Dolhr's assault crushed the capital. Afterward, Bishop Boah and very few others were allowed at my side.ドルーア帝国の襲撃を受け、パレスは陥落。私の周囲にあることをゆるされたのは、ボア司祭と、わずかな親衛騎士だけでした。
As princess of Archanea, I chose the hero worthy of wielding the Fire Emblem: Prince Marth of Altea.私はアカネイアの王女として、炎の紋章を掲げる勇者を選びました。それが、アリティアのマルス王子です。
When Prince Marth of Altea, inheritor of Anri's legacy, appeared, it was akin to a beacon lighting my darkness.神剣ファルシオンの英雄、アンリの血を引くアリティアのマルス王子が来てくれた……まさに、闇に光が射す思いでした。
When the Fire Emblem last changed hands to save Archanea, it was not without cost... Artemis's Curse.炎の紋章によって王家がよみがえるときその代償として最も愛する者を失う……それが「アルテミスのさだめ」の伝説……

친구 방문

I sense light in your heart, much like I sense in [Friend]...[召喚師]様も[フレンド]様と同じく、心に光を持つ方でいらっしゃいますね。

레벨 업

Never give up. Fight, until the day you restore light to our world.戦い抜いてください。再び世界が光を取り戻すその日まで……
I must not misjudge the duty laid at my feet. I must ensure that Archanea endures...that it is restored.見誤ってはいけない……私の果たすべき責任を。アカネイアの再興と、存続のために……
The Fire Emblem is a crest bestowed only upon a true champion, a symbol of divine authority...「炎の紋章」、ファイアーエムブレム。それは偉大な祖先が遺した、神の威光。アカネイアの代行者たる覇者の証なのです。


The courage of countless souls has inspired me. Now, it is I who must be courageous.多くの人に勇気を与えてもらいました。私も、その期待に応えたいと思います。

5성 40레벨 달성

All members of the royal family were killed in battle or executed when Dolhr and Grust attacked...all but me.
I was prepared to throw myself upon the sword, but a man stopped me, saying I had a duty to Archanea still...
That man was Camus, the Sable Knight of Grust. In reality, my greatest foe had saved my life.
My ability to escape the capital and seek refuge with Lord Hardin was all thanks to him.
Despite the risks, he fought to keep me from harm. Worry for his safety possesses my every thought.
If only I could speak with him even once more... Camus, I... My apologies. This is neither the time nor place.
Please...I would value your discretion regarding this conversation.





오의 발동

For peace.平和のために
I must not run.逃げてはだめ…
There is no turning back.振り返りません
I will continue on.前に進みます


Ah... Camus...ああ…カミュ……


Gather your strength.しっかり…
I will aid you.お助けします
I am Nyna of House Archanea.わたしはアカネイアのニーナです。
The Fire Emblem is bestowed upon a true champion, one we believe has the power to save the world.ファイアーエムブレムは、世界を救う者に与える覇者の証。
With Linde's father gone, I will do everything within my power to keep her safe.ミロア司祭様にかわって、わたしがリンダを守ってあげたいのです。
Camus... I hope I get to meet you again someday.カミュ…彼にもう一度会いたい…
It will be difficult, but we must nevertheless fight—until the day you restore light to our world.苦しい戦いですが、世界が光を取り戻すまでがんばりましょう。

아군 턴 터치

You need me?ええ
What must be done?どうします?
We should depart.行きましょう

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