금기의 주술사 닉스/대사


My name is Nyx. Let me be frank: I'm best left alone. Not you nor anyone else can understand my plight.私はニュクス…………誰にも私のことは理解できない。近づかないことね……

You'd do well to keep your distance. Who would want to associate with this pitiful, cursed existence?私には、かかわらないほうがいい。この貧相な体も、絶望しかない未来も、みんな嫌いなのよ……
The lights of this castle are as bright as its occupants are lively. I can't say this place suits me well.この城はまぶしすぎる……灯りも、人も……私はふさわしくない。
Could there really be others in this world who share my burden?もしかして、この世界……皆、私と同じように……?
I can cook well enough—I am an adult, after all.
Hmm... You don't believe me, do you? I can tell by the look on your face.
You want to be friends, hm? Well, know this: I don't intend to waste time on pleasantries.私と仲良くなりたいの?じゃれ合うつもりはないわ。

친구 방문

Ugh, I can't bear this place much longer. Can I go back to [Friend]'s castle yet?ああ、憂鬱だわ……早く[フレンド]のところへ帰りたい……

레벨 업

This may be impressive now, but in the end, nothing will have changed. That is how I must atone for my sins.いくら成長したって、私はこの姿のまま…言っている意味がわかったでしょう?これが私の罪、私の呪いなの……
To grow and to change as you head toward your final days is not a gift that should be squandered.過ぎ行く時の中で命を燃やすよろこび……存分に味わってから逝くといいわ。
No matter how much I grow, this cursed form remains the same— an eternal reminder of my crimes.そうよ……私は変わることがない。それが私の償いなのだから…


You think this is a good fit for me? If you say so...私に合うと思って?そう……

5성 40레벨 달성

Yes? Can I help you?
I hope you know you're intruding on my alone time. Though... I guess an interruption now and then is fine.
This place is peaceful... Almost too peaceful for someone with so much blood on their hands.
I never thought I'd work side by side with people again... Until I was summoned here, that is.
What do you think? Will you be the one to give me a second chance, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

Crimes are meant to be punished.罪には報いを
There is no escaping fate.これがさだめよ
Do not underestimate me.子供だと思った?
You've made a grave mistake.愚かな選択だわ


Guess I...had it coming...当然の報いね…


My name is Nyx, and I will thank you to not treat me like a child.私はニュクス。子ども扱いはやめてちょうだい。
*startled noise* Oh, it's you. Think twice before teasing your elders like that.きゃっ…! あなたね…大人をからかうものではないわ。
Cutting all ties with people will help me atone for my past. It must...人と関わらないこと…それが私の償いだと思っているわ。
I'm quite the bookworm, so permit me to ask: what do people in Askr like to read?そうね、読書は好きよ。この国の人はどんな本を読んでいるの?
I took countless lives in my foolish youth. For that, I was cursed with this unaging body...この姿は私の罪…幼さゆえに多くの人を殺めた私の…
My true body is surely much taller and more mature than this one...but what of my hair?本当の私は背が高くて顔も大人びていて、髪は…どんな感じかしら。
Summoning me was a bad omen...but worry not. I'll make it up to you.こんな私を召喚するなんて、あなたも変わった人ね。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ええ
Another day, another sin.これが私の罪…

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