타리스의 용병 오그마/대사


I am Ogma, a mercenary from Talys. If you need strength put to a task...I'm your man.俺はオグマ。タリスの傭兵だ。俺でよければ、お前たちの力になろう。

Days like this remind me of my time as a gladiator. And some things not worth remembering...こんな日は……あの頃のことを思い出すな。剣闘士時代の、取るに足りぬ事だ…
I have three men I trust completely: Bord, Cord, and Barst. All three are true warriors.俺には三人の部下がいた。サジ、マジ、バーツ…三人とも、本物の戦士だ。
Rest when you can. You have to be ready to move whenever fighting breaks out.休める時に体を休めておけ。いつどんな戦いが起きても動けるようにな。
Can you use a sword? I'm looking for a sparring partner. Not that I'm good at holding back...剣は使えるか?手合せがしたいなら、相手になろう。あまり加減はできんが…
I take care of my sword to make sure it doesn't rust. It's a habit that's served me for a long time.剣が錆びつかないよう、手入れをしている。昔から染みついた習慣だな…

친구 방문

You're [Summoner]?
My employer sent me to say hello. Oh, who sent me, you ask? It was [Friend].

레벨 업

Hm. So I had more power hidden inside me.なるほどな…俺にはまだこんな力が…
Guess I've improved a bit.多少は剣の腕が上がったようだ。
I still have a ways to go.俺もまだまだだな…


Thanks. I'll pay you back on the battlefield.感謝する。この恩は戦いで返そう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Since meeting you all, I've learned that strength comes in many forms.
The strength to protect peace... is not the strength I learned as a gladiator, killing for sport.
I've learned much from you, [Summoner]. And I will learn more yet.
I will become stronger. I will learn to swing my blade in service of a lasting peace.




You're... not bad...やる…な…

오의 발동

You're in my way.どけ
This isn't personal.…悪く思うな
I'm gonna end this.終わらせるぞ
Here it comes.いくぞ


The end...もはや…これまでか…


What do you need?どうした?
You're an odd one.変わり者だな
I'm not good at conversation.口下手ですまんな…
If I start a job, I finish it.受けた仕事は果たす。
I've only ever been good at one thing.俺は、戦いしかできん男だ…
I need to get ready for the next battle.次の戦いに備えねばな
I can't lose. For either of our sakes.お前のためにも…俺は負けん

아군 턴 터치

All right.ああ
What now?どうするか…
Let's move.行くぞ

캐릭터 페이지로