마음이 춤추는 파도 올리비에/대사


I am Olivia, a dancer. This is my first trip to the beach... Is...is it really OK for me to relax here?踊り子のオリヴィエと言います。海の行楽ははじめてですが…た、楽しんじゃってもいいですか?

It's so odd to me that the sound of the waves should be so calming.不思議ですね…耳を澄ませて潮騒の音を聞いているととても穏やかな気持ちになります。
Of all the places I've traveled in my career, the summertime sea is one of the most pleasant.踊り子として旅を続けてきましたがこの海はとても綺麗で心地いいですね。
They're selling shaved ice! Why don't we go over and get some together, [Summoner]?[召喚師]さん向こうで氷のお菓子を売ってましたよ。よければご一緒しませんか?
I feel like I'm being stared at. Is there something wrong with my swimsuit?視線を感じるのは気のせいでしょうか…。も、もしかしてこの水着どこか変ですか?
The warm summer sun has me flushed. It's making me dance a little better than usual as well!強い日差しで身体が火照ったせいか踊りも情熱的になってしまいます…。

친구 방문

Hello. Um, p-please pardon the swimsuit. I'm here with a gift from [Friend].み、水着姿で失礼します。[フレンド]さんからお届けものを預かってきました。

레벨 업

My dancing will keep us all strong in the face of the summer sun.降り注ぐ日差しに負けないよう精一杯の踊りをお届けします!
It feels amazing to dance out here in the sea breeze.潮風に吹かれて踊るのはとても気持ちがいいですね。
Ahh! D-don't look at me! I'm not used to walking around in a swimsuit!きゃっ、水着が…!?ううっ、見ないでくださぃぃぃ!


Thank you. I shall repay your kindness with a dance!ありがとうございます。このご恩は踊ってお返しします!

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean? I really wish I could enjoy it...
It's just that swimsuits are so utterly embarrassing that I hate being seen wearing one...
Huh? You think it's the same as my dancing clothes? That's where you're wrong.
Dancing clothes are meant for display. Swimsuits are... Well, for swimming!
I don't think I can cope with wearing this in public!
Then again, maybe this is a chance to prove I can entertain people no matter how I'm dressed...
え? いつもの踊り子の装束とあまり変わらない…ですか?違います! ぜんぜん違いますよ!





오의 발동

Don't look at me!見ちゃダメですーっ!
How embarrassing!恥ずかしいですーっ!
I just want to swim!は、早く海に…!
Get out of here!こないでーっ!


This was a mistake...やっちゃい…ました…


Shall we swim?泳ぎましょう
Sure is hot!暑いですね…!
I love swimming and the sea, but...wearing a swimsuit outside the water is bit embarrassing.う、海は楽しみなんですけど…、水着が恥ずかしすぎて…!
Do you think this suit—No, never mind! Forget I'm even here!似合ってる? ダメです、そんなに見ないで…!
Being in the presence of such breathtaking scenery inspires me to come up with new dances.綺麗な景色を見ていると、いい踊りが浮かんでくるんです。
How well will I be able to dance on the sand I wonder... I suppose there is only one way to find out.砂の上でも上手に踊れるでしょうか…。試してみなくちゃ。
Um...would you come out and swim with me?あの、恥ずかしいんですけど…一緒に泳ぎませんか?

아군 턴 터치

So bright out...眩しい…
This way?こっちですか?
How exciting!楽しみですね

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