녹의 마도기사 올웬/대사


My name is Olwen. If you'll allow it, I'd be happy to demonstrate the magic I've been studying recently.オルエンと申します。身につけた新たな魔道…お見せ致します。

Sometimes, I lose my temper... One time, I even pointed my sword at a superior officer.
My brother would have been quite disappointed, had he heard about it.
Lady Ishtar trusts my brother implicitly. That hasn't made Lord Julius very fond of him, however.兄はイシュタル様に深く信頼されていました。ですが、そのことがユリウス様のご不興を招いてしまったようで…
I've taken my magical studies in a new direction.
I may yet be inexperienced, but that's liberating. I don't worry about consequences—I just get on with it.
My brother is proud, but he is also very kind. I expect he would sacrifice himself if it meant saving me...兄は誇り高く、優しい方です。兄上は、私を生かすために亡くなられたようなものです…
Someday, I'd like to have a child... Er, no... It's not like I have a father in mind!いつか、私も子をもうけたいと思います。い、いえ! だ、誰との子だとか、そういう考えがあるわけではないのですが…

친구 방문

Pardon the intrusion. I'm Olwen, and I'm delivering this greeting in place of [Friend].失礼致します。私はオルエン。[フレンド]殿にかわり、ごあいさつに伺いました。

레벨 업

I'm doing well, aren't I? That is very satisfying.好調のようですね。嬉しいです。
I'll continue to walk my own path, one step at a time.一歩ずつ、自分の道を歩みたいと思います。
I am sorry that I have failed you.失態です…申し訳ありません。


This new power you've given me... I will not squander it.あなたからいただいた新たな力…決して無駄には致しません。

5성 40레벨 달성

I turned my back on my country. From then on, I swore to walk my own path, no matter the consequences.
Even if I were to be killed because of my decision...so be it. That is the way things must be.
Though we've rarely spoken, I have observed the conviction in your eyes.
That conviction is so strong it feels as though it might consume me...
It seems your belief in the path you are traveling is unshakable. I hope to find that kind of confidence in myself.
I am proud to walk alongside you. I hope you will allow me to continue to accompany you on your journey.




Not yet...!まだです…!

오의 발동

I walk my own path!私の道を!
With this newfound power...新たな力で…
Absolutely not!おやめください!
Forward, now!駆けよ!


The fight will continue...どうか…御武運を…


cute giggleうふふっ
I am Olwen. With my newfound power, I will do what I can to aid you.私はオルエン。新たな力で、お味方致します。
Eh? What? Stop with your teasing.きゃあっ!? …じ、冗談はおやめください。
My one goal was to match the greatness of my elder brother. But then...偉大な兄上に近づくことが、私の目標でした。でも…
No matter how grim the journey gets, I shall continue on my path.たとえ辛くとも険しくとも、私は私の道を。
I can keep moving forward thanks to you.あなたがいてくださるから、私は前に進めるのです。
I hope that, one day, I'll be able to come to my brother's aid.いつか、兄上をお助けできるようになれたら…
I would continue to protect you, if you'll allow it.お許し下さい。これからも、あなたをお守りすることを…

아군 턴 터치

I understand.承知しました
By your side.あなたと共に

캐릭터 페이지로