부드러운 기사 오스카/대사


I'm Oscar, from the Greil Mercenaries. My skills lie mainly in... Hmm, let's see... I guess, cooking for everyone?私はグレイル傭兵団のオスカー。得意なことは…そうだね、みんなの食事を作ることかな?

Gathering supplies, preparing the meals... Seems there's plenty to keep me busy today.物資の調達に食事係に…うーん、今日は色々とやることがあるね。忙しくなりそうだ。
My younger brothers are named Boyd and Rolf. I care for them more than anything.ボーレとヨファ、私には二人の弟がいるんだ。とても大切な家族だよ。
Your face is looking a bit scrunched today. This is just a suggestion, but...
How about you and I chat about your problems, so you don't have to deal with them on your own?
I used to be a Crimean knight, so I still have a close friend within their ranks.私はもともとはクリミアの騎士だったんだ。騎士団にも大切な仲間がいるよ。
My contributions may be meager compared to others, but I still want to fight and save everyone I can.私にできることはほんのわずかだけど、そのわずかでも…人々を救うために戦いたいんだ。

친구 방문

Hi there—I'm Oscar. I've come with greetings from [Friend].こんにちは、私はオスカー。[フレンド]からの挨拶を届けにきたんだ。

레벨 업

You need to keep your guard up, even when you're at your best.好調の時こそ、油断せずに行こうと思うよ。
Not bad at all. Now I just need to keep this up.順調だね。この調子でがんばるよ。
When you're not performing well, make your priority just surviving.不調の時は、まず生き残ることを目指すよ。


Thanks for this. I'm glad to know you expect good things from me.ありがとう。君に期待されるのは嬉しいな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Attend the war council, procure supplies, coach a training session... Let's see, what else is there to do...
Oh, hey, [Summoner]. Sorry I'm so busy all the time. Such is the life of a jack-of-all-trades.
People come to me for help with all sorts of things, and I'm more than glad to help with all of them.
In fact, I'm happy people rely on me for things like that.
I'm the oldest of three brothers, so helping out like this reminds me of different times.
So if you need anything, just—
Hm? Oh, I know. I'll do my best without pushing past my breaking point. It's a promise.
Your consideration for me is kind of heartwarming, you know!





오의 발동

My side will survive.誰も死なせない
You must surrender!降伏してくれ
I will give it my all.全力を尽くすよ
I will not hold back.手加減はできない




Oh, hello. Feeling fine today, I hope?やあ、調子はどうだい?
Hmm? Oh, hello again. No need for that. I am always vigilant.え? 大丈夫、ちゃんと君のことは見えてるよ。
I am a great lover of food. How about you? What's your favorite dish?君の好きな料理、教えてくれないかな?
You seem to get along with everyone. I wish I was more like that.みんなと仲良くなれる君のこと、私も見習いたいな。
What is it that I want? To aid those who cannot aid themselves.報われない人々を救いたい…それが私の願いだよ。
It pains me to lose a friend. Every time. But duty calls, and we are the ones to answer.仲間を失うのは辛いけど、私たちの仕事は命がけだからね…
When we're in danger, you can—you must—rely on me.危ない時は、いつでも私を頼ってほしい。

아군 턴 터치

What next?どうしようかな?
Only my best.がんばるよ

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