분노하는 도끼전사 오신/대사


I'm Osian of the Fiana Freeblades. No matter the foe, I'll be sure to smash them with my axe!俺は、フィアナ義勇軍のオーシンだ!どんな敵だろうと、この腕と自慢の斧でまとめてなぎ倒してやるよ!

Tanya is a meddler. She's always playing with fire, and I'm the one who has to put it out.タニアのやつ、お節介でちょろちょろと…危なっかしい事までしやがるから、うかつに目を離せないんだよ。
We fought under Eyvel's command as the Freeblades and ran all the bad guys out of Fiana.俺たちは、エーヴェル様の下でフィアナ義勇軍として戦い、悪党どもから村を守ってたんだ。
Oh, sorry! I'm a big guy, so I'm always bumping into people. Let me help you up!おっと、すまねぇ!ガタイがでかいから色々ぶつかるんだ。立てるか、大丈夫だな?
Heroes from across history gather at this castle? I want to test my strength! Summon somebody I can fight!古今東西の英雄が集う城、か…よし、誰か呼んできてくれよ。今から腕試しといこうぜ!
Now THAT was a meal... Time for a nap! Oh...you want me to help clean up? You sound like my dad!飯も食ったし、ひと眠りすっか。ああ…ったく、片付けなら後でするって!そういう小言を聞くと親父を思い出すぜ…!

친구 방문

You're [Summoner]? Hey there.[召喚師]さんか?[フレンド]からよろしく、だってさ。

레벨 업

Nobody, and I mean nobody, can catch ME! Who's next?俺にかなう奴なんていねえ!さあ、次の相手はどいつだ!
Gettin' warmed up. Let's keep it going!ようやく身体が温まってきたか。まだまだいくぞ!
Little hard to stay interested.なんか、気が抜けちまった…


Thanks! This is going to help a lot.お、ありがてえ。なかなかしっくり来るな…これでますます働けそうだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

There you are! It's been a while since I arrived, but I still get a little shock when I see your smiling face.
I followed Leif to the fight in Leonster, but things are even rougher here, aren't they?
It's a good thing I have a talent for knocking heads. The food's pretty good, too, so I don't really mind.
I do worry about the people back in Fiana sometimes...like my dad. What, this? That's just dust in my eye!
No matter where I go, I stay the same, for better or worse... As long as I have my arm and this axe, it'll all work out.





오의 발동

Messed with the wrong guy!ふざけたマネしやがって!
You're done, kid!ガキはおウチに帰りな!
Plenty more where that came from!ただじゃすまねえぜ!
Aw, don't run!おとといきやがれ!


I...messed up...俺としたことが…


I'm Osian. I live with my dad in Fiana.俺はオーシン。フィアナ村で親父とふたりで暮らしてんだ。
Hey! Hands off!だあああっ!? てめえ! なにしやがる!
My dad's always getting in my face. I wish he'd just lay off.うちのくそ親父、俺の顔を見たら説教しやがる。もうたくさんだぜ。
What's the point of even having a dad if he only exists to nag you?…まあ、あんな親父でもいないよかマシなのかもしれねえなあ…
Eyvel says I rile too easy. I'm not gonna prove her right by yelling at her about it though.血の気が多いって、よくエーヴェル様に叱られるんだ。
You can't take your eyes off Tanya for a second. She's always getting caught up in something.タニアのやつ、すぐ出しゃばってきやがって…目が離せねえじゃねえか。
I'll hack all our foes to bits. You watch.俺のプージで、お前の敵はみーんな返り討ちにしてやるからな!

아군 턴 터치

Yeah, yeah.しかたねえな
Way ahead of you!言われなくても!

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