사랑과 꽃의 전사 우드/대사


Master, you called? Now that I, Owain, have come to your aid, this Day of Devotion is sure to succeed!
I mean...I'll do my best.
マスターよ、俺を呼んだか…!このウードが来たからには、愛の祭りは成功したも同然! …頑張ります。

"One without the capacity to love has not the capacity to be a Hero..."
Who said that? Oh, um...I made it up.
What a glorious flower. I wonder what it's called? A name as lilting as its petals are beautiful, I'd wager.
In the future in which I was raised, I was so focused on surviving that I was unable to appreciate such things.
I must devise a special move befitting the Day of Devotion. Maybe... Love Flame! No... Heart Slash?
Hmm... Neither of those have that special ring to them...
愛の祭りにふさわしい必殺技か…ラブフレイム! ハートスラッシュ?うーむ、どれもいまいちか…
Rage on, oh hurricane of love! I will hold true to myself, with my indomitable soul...
Mother?! How long have you been watching that?!
吹き荒れろ愛の嵐!俺は不屈の魂にて我が道を貫くのみ…母さん!? いつから見てたの!?
A true warrior of love and flowers can wear anything well!愛と花の戦士たるものどんな装束も着こなしてみせる!

친구 방문

Hark! It is I, Owain, messenger of love! I come to impart the undying affection of [Friend].俺は愛の伝道師、ウード![フレンド]さんから幾星霜変わらぬ愛を伝えに…きたぜ!

레벨 업

My Brand...it cries out... Saying I must express more gratitude!俺の聖痕が叫んでいる…もっと感謝の気持ちを伝えろと!
Urgh. No, this is bad. Run! Before my love covers the entire world!くっ、ダメだ、逃げろ…!俺の愛が世界を覆いつくしてしまう前に!
No! It cannot be! Do you mean to say I don't...have enough...love?!馬鹿な! 愛が…足りないだと!?


Oh wow, are you sure about this? Giving me such power... My gratitude will go on a rampage!いいのか? そんなに力を与えて。感謝の気持ちが暴走してしまうぞ…

5성 40레벨 달성

All things with a form will surely fade in time. Such is the fate of all material phenomena...
But love! Love is everlasting! Feelings, once woven, will ride across eternity! In other words, love is eternal!
Why do I say this? Because I am pierced with the arrow of love and am feeling an outpouring of affection.
It is because of my mother's love that I am the man I am today. One could even say that love creates the future.
You have taken such good care of me, in a myriad of ways. That in itself is a form of love, is it not?
So please, take these flowers. They aren't enough to show my gratitude, but I shall show it fully with time!
だが! 愛こそは不朽不滅!紡がれし想いは永劫の時を駆けるすなわちエターナル!





오의 발동

Got a present for ya!贈り物だぜ!
Behold the power of love!これが愛の力だ…!
Blue Flower Flurry!愛の波動、ブルーフラワーアタック!
Had enough yet?欲しいのはこれか?


Not good enough?受け取り…拒否だと…!?


Hark! I have been reborn as the warrior of love and flowers! Oh, uh... Is that how it goes? Never mind.今日の俺はさしずめ愛と花の戦士…あ、いや、なんでもないです。
Hey, cut that out! I can't risk crushing these flowers.ぎゃっ! やめてくださいよ。花束を潰しちまうじゃないですか。
This outfit may not suit my dark and debonair persona... Yes, that's it! This must be a trial from fate itself!この格好、ちょっと恥ずかしいなあ…いや、これも運命の試練…!
I'm working on a new move. First, I throw a bunch of petals into the air, and then, while my foe's vision is obscured, I strike! Pretty cool, huh?そうだ、大量の花を投げて目くらましにして攻撃するってのはどうだ?
I never let down my guard—not even during a festival that looks...really fun, actually. Hmph.人々が祭りに浮かれる時も、俺は警戒を怠らない…ふっ…
I want to express my gratitude to Mother today, but I just can't seem to find the right words...今日は照れずに母さんに感謝を伝えなきゃな。
You're always helping me out. I wish to show you my gratitude.いつもお世話になってます。これ、受け取ってください。

아군 턴 터치

Got it.わかった
This won't take long.届けてきます

캐릭터 페이지로