백익의 장녀 파오라/대사


I am Palla, a pegasus knight of the Whitewings of Macedon. Pleased to be of service.わたしはマケドニア白騎士団のパオラ。これからよろしくお願いしますね。

I wonder how Catria and Est are doing... It's natural to worry about my younger sisters, of course.カチュアとエストは…妹たちは元気でいるかしら。
I'm told that I'm good at looking out for others. Perhaps because of my younger sisters?わたし、面倒見が良いって昔からよく言われるんですよ。妹たちのおかげかしら?
Thank you for all you do. When you've finished checking on everyone, please do get some rest.いつもありがとうございます。見回りが落ち着いたら、一休みなさってくださいね。
How are you today? If you're sore from battle, I actually know how to massage hurting muscles.お元気ですか?お疲れでしたら、いつでも言ってくださいね。体をほぐしてあげるのは得意なんです。
Ah! I just remembered I should go look after the pegasi...ああ、そうそう。天馬たちの世話をしてあげないと…

친구 방문

Honored to meet you. Someone sent me to say hello—your friend [Friend].こんにちは。お会いできて光栄です。[フレンド]さんから、あなたへの御挨拶をお届けに来ました。

레벨 업

How wonderful! I can't help but smile.まあ、良かった。嬉しくなってしまうわ。
Oh, I know I can grow stronger than this!わたしはまだまだ強くなれるはず…
How disheartening...あら…わたし、長女なのに…


Thank you so much. I will continue to do my best.ありがとうございます。これからもがんばりますね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Of course, Princess Minerva will always be my liege and foremost in my thoughts.
And obviously my two sisters are very dear to me. However...
I must confess that someone else is now occupying many of my thoughts. Someone I met here...
Ahem. I hope I can continue to stay by your side and make you proud.
Oh, thank you so much! You've made me so happy!




Oh no...!そんな…!

오의 발동

My apologies.ごめんなさいね
Shall we?行きましょう
I cannot be merciful.優しくできないわ
Allow me to demonstrate!見せてあげます


I'm sorry.ごめんな…さい…


Is something the matter?どうかしましたか?
AH! Oh, you startled me, you trickster you.きゃっ、まあ…困った人
We must all strive to do our best out there.がんばりましょうね
You aren't hurt, are you?おけがはありませんか?
I can't help but take care of you and the others.わたし、ついお世話をしたくなって…
Please, make sure you take time to rest. We need you!ゆっくり休んでくださいね
If you need my help with anything, please let me know.何かあったら、いつでも言ってください

아군 턴 터치

Here we go.落ち着いて

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Off to sleep!ねんねの時間です
Good night.おやすみなさい
It'll be a good dream.せめていい夢を…
Your mischief ends here!いたずらはそこまで

패배 - 신장

Now I sleep...わたしも…眠ります……

상태창 - 신장

What a wonderfully cute outfit! Is this really for me? Thank you!なんて可愛い衣装…! 本当に私に? いいんですか?
*gasp* Oh, it's you again? You'll never learn!きゃっ…! またあなた? いたずらは直りませんね。
This brings me right back to when I used to read my little sisters bedtime stories with fairies in them.妖精の絵本、よく妹たちに読んであげました。懐かしいわ。
If Est and Catria catch sight of me dressed like this, they might tease me.妹たちに見られたら、きっと冷やかされてしまいます。
Time for a nap? *yawns* Maybe it is...うぅん…何だか、わたしまで眠くなってきました…
The dream I'd most like to have? Now that you ask... I hadn't thought about it.見たい夢、ですか? わたしは……
I hope that your nights will always be filled with good dreams!あなたにいつも優しい夢が訪れますように…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Of course.わかりました

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