타고난 싸움꾼 파네토네/대사


I am Panette, a lady from the queendom of Solm. Leave the exterminating to me!ソルム王国より馳せ参じました、パネトネで御座いますですわ。御カチコミならお任せあれですます!

As a royal knight of Solm, I have an exquisite taste for cooking. I am especially skilled at roasting chicken.ソルム王国に仕える王城兵として、御料理の嗜みはございますですわよ。鶏の御丸焼きは得意中の得意ですの。
Before Princess Timerra, I was a little rough around the edges. Being her retainer changed me for the better.わたくしは、昔は少し荒れていたのですがミスティラ姐さんと出会って…臣下となり、変わることができたのです。
You should relax! Why don't you take a look at some bottled bugs? Or... perhaps we can search for ghosts?!あらまあ、お疲れが見えますですわ。昆虫の瓶詰をご覧になりますこと?それとも、お化けでも探しに参りますか?
You can fight too if you train. All you need is to perfect the ability to evade attacks and act fast without thinking.
Once you do that, you can develop the power to strike hard and smash your foes into the ground!
Huh? Is it time to bring the pain?! Oh... Uh...I got a little excited there. Is it time for battle?おお、カチコミの時間かあ!?…っとと。つい気分が上がってしまい…これより、戦の御時間ですますか?

친구 방문

Good day! I have greetings here from [Friend].ごきげんようですます。我らの頭、[フレンド]の御挨拶をお届けに参りましたわ。

레벨 업

Get in my way and you won't get home alive! Ahem, I mean...goodness, what pleasing results!アタイの前に立つ奴は生きて帰さねえぜ! …です。
Bravo to me! My offensive capabilities have increased.やりました。御攻撃力が増しましたですわ。
Ugh! That's no good.…不甲斐ねえ…


I am at my peak strength. I pity any enemy who dares brawl with me now!今のわたくしと喧嘩をしたら、御相手がボコボコになりますですわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hmm... Oh, uh... I was just offering my prayers, [Summoner]!
To tell you the truth, I am a child of the church. I left home a long time ago and have not returned since...
However, since I was a child I have imitated the techniques of prayer. Go on, you can tell me I look the part.
Sometimes I think about Elyos's blue sky, Solm's desert, and Oasis Village, where I spent time with Timerra...
I look back, and I hope she and the others are well. But of course, ending the conflict in Askr comes foremost!
My nostalgia for home and my passion for battling foes are distinctly different. Now, let's roast 'em!





오의 발동

Let's have some fun!アタイと遊ぼうや…
I'll beat ya to a pulp!バチボコにしてやんぞ!
For the boss!姐さんのために!
I shall strike thee down!しばき回す!


You'll pay, fiend...覚えてやがれ、ですます……


As a lady, I shall exterminate thy foes with the utmost elegance!淑女として、御上品に敵を御殲滅いたしますです。
Draw yer weapon, fiend! Oh, heh, u-uh, pardon me! Uh, please forgive my rudeness, Summoner.のわっ、敵襲か!? …っと失礼、召喚師様でございましたか。
Without doubt, the thing that will serve one best in combat is the ability to act fast without thinking! Perfect that, and you shall never know defeat!喧嘩に必要なのはズバリ、御瞬発力! それがあれば負け知らずですますよ!
Excuse me... Perchance might there be a cleric by the name of Pandreo here?あの…こちらに、パンドロという聖職者は居りますですか?
I can only presume by your bold approach that you wish to challenge me in combat.そんなにつついて、さてはタイマン勝負を御所望でございますですね!?
I like my deity, of course, but I despise the church. I haven't got a single good memory from there.神様は好きですが、教会という場所は嫌いですます。いい思い出がありませんので…
If you're spooked by insects and ghosts, I'm your girl! I'll protect you anywhere creepy things might appear.虫やお化けが出そうな場所は大得意ですます!もし怖ければ、わたくしがいつでも御一緒しますですわ。

아군 턴 터치

Tis I.わたくしでございますね
Fine by me.上等ですます

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