토끼뜀의 영춘 벨벳/대사


I am Panne. I'm glad to be here celebrating the New Year with you.ベルベットよ。年明けをあなたと一緒に祝えることうれしく思うわ。

I normally prefer clothing that is easy to move around in, but I can make an exception to celebrate the New Year.飾り立てたものより動きやすい装束が好ましいけど…年明けを祝うにはふさわしい格好ね。
The history between taguel and humans is a sad one, and yet, here we are.
We can still come together to celebrate the New Year and wish for a happier future.
This New Year's dish has lots of carrot in it. What did you say it was called? Osechi? Hmm...新春の料理…ニンジンがたくさん使われていてよかったわ。おせち料理という名前なの?
Do taguel hibernate in the winter? At the very least, I certainly don't. I doubt Yarne does either.タグエルは冬眠するのかって?少なくとも私はしないわ。シャンブレーもそうだと思うわよ。
Taguel don't usually wear very thick clothing, but Yarne doesn't look bad in that kimono.タグエルはあまり厚着しないのだけどシャンブレーのキモノ姿は悪くないんじゃないかしら。

친구 방문

Don't get negligent just because it's a holiday. That said, here—a gift for you from [Friend].[フレンド]から新年の届け物よ。今年も油断せずに過ごすことね。

레벨 업

A sign of good things to come. Still, carelessness can ruin even the best of starts.今年は幸先が良さそうね。でも、気は抜かないわ。
There is a future where we survive. With my allies at my side, I will fight this year as well.生き残った先に未来がある。仲間とともに…今年も戦い抜くわ。
That's not good. At this rate, I won't even survive the year...こんなことでは…今年1年を乗り切れないわ。


You have my thanks. With this power, I will cut a path through the new year.感謝するわ。この力で新たなる年も駆け抜けてみせる。

5성 40레벨 달성

Whether it's the old year or the new, danger is unavoidable. It creeps up on you, waiting for a chance to strike.
As long as Yarne and I are alive, we taguel will always be in danger. I am prepared for that much, at least.
But...I have no intention of forcing anyone else to make the same commitment.
Everyone here is so excited about the new year, after all... It's probably not what I should be dwelling on.
You don't need to worry. I am simply enjoying the holiday in my own way. It is a new year, after all.
So, let us struggle, fight, and survive, so that we and all our allies can celebrate the next one.





오의 발동

A new year already?新年ね
The best for a new year!今年もよろしく
Here's your New Year's gift.お年玉よ
Having fun? Too bad!浮かれてるの?


Not my year, huh...縁起が…悪いわね…


Happy New Year. That's what you say, right?明けましておめでとう。新年のあいさつって、これでいいかしら?
Oh, I didn't hear your footsteps. Not bad.きゃっ…!? あなたの足音、聞こえなかったわ。やるじゃない。
Is there really such a thing as a year of the rabbit? Then, wouldn't that make it our year?ウサギ年なんてものがあるの? 私たちの年ね。
You want to pet a rabbit? Does it have to be me? I got all dressed up for this!ウサギを撫でたい? せっかくおめかししたのに、しょうがないわね…
I'd like to start the year off with lots of carrots. Can you cook something like that?新年のご馳走、ニンジンをたくさん入れてちょうだい。
These clothes look nice, but they're a bit uncomfortable. I can't move around like I'm used to...綺麗な衣装だけど、動きにくくてちょっと苦しいわね…
I hope that we will be able to enjoy this year together as well.今年もあなたと楽しく過ごせますように。

아군 턴 터치

What's your plan?どうするの?
Let's find our fortune.お参りしましょ

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