천진난만한 도적 패티/대사
I'm Patty—Prince Shannan's special someone. Hehehe! Only joking. | あたしはパティ。シャナン様の恋人でーす!なんてね。 |
My brother and I weren't the only ones at the orphanage. Many children lost parents to the imperial army. | 孤児院にはあたしたち兄妹だけじゃなくたくさんの子供たちがいたわ。みんな帝国軍に親や家族を殺されたのよ。 |
I met Prince Shannan at a temple in the Aed desert, and...well, the rest is history, as they say! Hehehe... | シャナン様と出会ったのはイード砂漠の神殿だったわ……そして二人は手を取り合って――きゃっ。 |
Whether it's buying bread or raising an army, you need coin. That's why I do what I do—whatever it takes. | 何をするにもお金が必要でしょ。パンを買うのも、戦争の準備だって同じ。だから、あたしは稼ぐの……何をしてでも。 |
I'm making lunches for folks. Huh? How did I get the ingredients? In the normal way, obviously! | これからお弁当作りといきますかー。え、この材料はどこから…って失礼ね!ちゃんと調理場からいただいてきたわ! |
Everyone around here is so...good. I've got no targets to ply my trade on! What do I do with myself?! | あ~あ~、ヒマだなあ。周りがいい人ばかりだと商売上がったりなのよね! |
친구 방문
Got something for you. Don't worry, I've already taken my cut. It's a gift from [Friend]! Here! | はい、これ![フレンド]さんからね!手間賃ぶんは抜いておいたから! |
레벨 업
Ha! Look at me, making a killing. | あはは、また儲かっちゃった。ゴメンね~! |
I can get the job done, when I really feel like it. | こう見えても、やるときゃ、やるんだから! |
Ugh... What will Prince Shannan say? | ウソ……もうお嫁にいけない…しくしく… |
For me? Really? Oh, thank you so much! | えーっ、ホントに?ありがとう! |
5성 40레벨 달성
There you are! I've been looking all over for you, [Summoner]. Have you had a chance to eat today? I thought not. Well, Patty's here to save the day! I made you lunch. You're one of the few who gets to try my cooking. Only Prince Shannan and Lord Seliph are as lucky as you! Oh, and I got you a little something else. Call it an extra surprise. Tada! A stamina drink! My special recipe. A swig of this and you'll have a spring in your step all day. Enjoy! | あっ、いたいた![召喚師]さーん!パティでーす! 今日はまだ何も食べていないでしょ。お弁当を作ってきたから、どうぞ! あたしの手料理を食べられるなんてセリス様かシャナン様くらいなのよ?このこのっ、幸せ者! あと、これも…… ジャーン!パティ手作りのスタミナドリンクよ疲れが吹き飛ぶから、残さずに飲んでね? |
- | やっ |
- | えいっ |
- | きゃーっ! |
- | やめて! |
오의 발동
What a fool! | ばーか! |
Come and get it! | ここまでおいで! |
Don't mind me... | 失礼しちゃうわね |
Something lovely for you! | いいものあ・げ・る☆ |
Febail, help! | 助けて…ファバル兄さん… |
- | うふっ |
I'm Patty. Prince Shannan's special somebody... I'm joking! | パティよ。シャナン様の恋人でーす! なんてね。 |
Ugh! Unhand me, or you'll sully my good name! | きゃあっ!? なにすんのよ! もうお嫁にいけない…しくしく… |
You can't wage war without a treasury. I'll fill it up for you! | お金がなけりゃ戦えないわ。あたしがいくらでも稼いであげる。 |
Let people say whatever they want. I pay it no mind. | 言いたい人には言わせておけばいいの。あたしは気にしない。 |
The empire orphaned all these children. Unforgivable! | 子供たちの両親は帝国軍に殺されたのよ。許せないわ! |
I've always admired Prince Shannan. I await our fateful encounter... *chuckle* | あたしさ、シャナン様にあこがれてたの。一度でいいからお会いしたいなぁ…なんてさ。 |
I whipped up this stamina drink for you. Don't waste a single drop! | はい、パティ手作りのスタミナドリンクよ! 残さずに飲んでね。 |
아군 턴 터치
Got it. | わかったわ |
Hmmm. | ふーん |
I'm off! | いってきまーす |