광왕의 유아 페레아스/대사


My name is Pelleas. I am the prince of Daein. But you need not be formal with me—I was raised a commoner.僕はペレアス。デインの王子だ。ああ、そんなにかしこまらなくていいよ。僕は平民として育ったからね。

I've never killed before—never even seen a battlefield before now... But I aim to do all that is in my power.僕はこれまで人を殺めたことも戦場に立ったこともない…だけど…僕にできることがあれば力を尽くしたい。
I am told my father was Ashnard, who was known as the Mad King. It still doesn't feel real to me...
It's a little overwhelming, to be frank.
Micaiah and Sothe are in this world as well, aren't they? I am glad to have an opportunity to fight alongside them.ここにはミカヤやサザもいるんだね。ひとりの英雄としてともに戦えることをうれしく思うよ。
If I am ever able to rebuild Daein, I hope to put all that I have learned here to good use.もしデインを再建することができたら…その時は、ここでの経験を活かしたいと思うよ。
Even if my fate threatens to overpower my desires, I will not give up. I will persevere.たとえ大きな運命の波に翻弄されたとしても僕は諦めない。きっと抗ってみせるよ。

친구 방문

I am Pelleas, prince of Daein. This is a token of friendship, entrusted to me by [Friend].僕はデインの王子、ペレアス。[フレンド]から変わらぬ親愛の証を預かってきたよ。

레벨 업

That was rather effective. Not half bad, coming from me.いい手応えだ。僕にしては上出来だよ。
I must be satisfied with slow growth if that is the best I can manage.僕には僕ができることを積み上げていくしかない。
If things continue at this rate, I would be better off never showing my face in Daein again...こんなことでは…デインの民に顔向けができない。


Thank you. I am grateful, truly. I will use this new power to stoke the fire inside me.ありがとう、感謝するよ。この力、しっかりと僕の中に刻もう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hypothetically...if you were caught up in events beyond your control, what would you do?
I sense a strong will behind your eyes. I think you would overcome any obstacle, no matter what it was.
Unlike my father, who was known for his dauntlessness, I have no love for combat.
But when the people I should protect are forced to live under the weight of domination...
I cannot simply stand by and allow such things to happen.
The time will come when I must make a decision, a decision that will require courage from me.
It may even mean I am forced into a battle I would just as soon avoid...
But to have the courage to move forward, to never give in...even in the face of unspeakable odds...
I have been learning all this and more during my time here with the Order, and I do not plan to stop now.




This ain't good...まずいな…

오의 발동

For Daein.デインのために…
I must take action!僕は行動する!
I cannot look away!見過ごせない!
Let me through.通してもらうよ


I fear...nothing.今さら…何も恐れない…


I am Pelleas. I may be a prince of Daein, but I was raised as a normal commoner.僕はペレアス。デインの王子だけど、平民として育ったんだ。
*laugh* Making mischief, are you? I've not done that since I was a child.わあっ…! はは、懐かしいな。子供の頃みたいだ。
It still doesn't feel real to me...that I could be the son of King Ashnard.今でも実感はないな。自分があの…アシュナード王の実子だなんて。
I count my blessings to have Micaiah as vice-general. She gives me hope.ミカヤが解放軍の副大将になってくれて、本当に心強いよ。
I cannot ignore the tragedies of this world. No man can, and certainly no prince.僕は目の前の惨事を見過ごせない。ひとりでも多くのデインの民を救いたい。
Micaiah and Sothe are so close it's almost like they're siblings. As an only child, I envy them.僕には兄弟がいないから、お姉さんのいるサザがうらやましい。
I don't fight for you out of princely duty. I do it because I want to—because it makes me happy.君の元でただのペレアスとして戦えるのは…正直嬉しいよ。

아군 턴 터치

Guide me.わかった
Are you sure?そうかい?
I will do as you ask.力を尽くすよ

캐릭터 페이지로