은의 마도군장 판트/대사


I am Pent. In my country, I am known as the Mage General, but here, I am but a mere seeker. It is my pleasure.私はパント。国では魔道軍将とも呼ばれているが、ここではただの探求者だよ、よろしく頼む。

This is the first time I've seen any of these texts! This castle's library is a trove. I could peruse forever!どの教本も、初めて目にする物ばかりだ!この城の図書室は宝の山だよ。いつまででもこもっていたい位だ!
I'm sure everyone back home must think I'm back to my old habits again. Hopefully I won't be away too long...今頃屋敷では、また私の悪い癖が出たと思われているだろうな。あまり大事にならない内に戻れれば良いが…
When I touch my hair, I can't help but think of my wife, as she combs my hair each morning...
Do you have plans to settle down anytime soon, Summoner?
I've added candlesticks to the room to improve the light. Care to join me as I examine these texts?より明るく室内を照らせるように、部屋の燭台を増やしてもらったんだ。ちょうどいい、読み合わせに来るかい?
Ah! Have you been there long? My apologies. I was absorbed in my work.ああ、君か…いつからそこに?すまないね、作業に集中していると、他の事が目に入らなくなってしまうんだ。

친구 방문

I am Pent, Count Reglay of Etruria. I've been entrusted with giving you this, from [Friend].私はリグレ公爵パント。[フレンド]から、これを預かってきたよ。

레벨 업

The magical energy is surging through me! This may be imprudent, but my heart is racing...湧き上がる、この魔力…!不謹慎ではあるが、血が騒ぐようだ…
Hm. Well, this seems about right, I suppose.ふむ。まぁ、こんなものだろうか?
My apologies. I will endeavor not to make the same mistake again.これは失礼。同じ失敗は繰り返さないとも。


Is this the result of your research? Rather impressive, I must say.これは…なかなかいいね。研究の成果かな?

5성 40레벨 달성

My, but those techniques our foe used last battle were astounding. I'd practically stopped to gape!
I nearly suffered a direct hit for my curiosity. I simply wanted to see such an incredible ability up close...
Had it not been for your support, there is no telling what fate might have befallen me. Thank you, truly.
Though, at times intellectual pursuits demand one puts their own life at risk. You understand, don't you?
Your eyes share the gleam I see in the mirror. I must ask... How would you wish to see the world shaped?
Once we reach the end of our path here together, I would love for us to discuss it—and in some depth.





오의 발동

Excuse me.失礼するよ
I'd rather not hurt you.ケガをさせたくない
I'll accept your surrender.諦めてほしい
Sorry about this.すまないね


I let my guard down... I'm sorry...すまない…油断した…な…


I am Pent, Count Reglay of Etruria.私は、エトルリア王国リグレ公パント。
Hah! What a peculiar way of greeting people...ん…? はは、興味深い挨拶だね。
Even if I told the people back home about the power of a summoner, no one would believe me.召喚の力か…国へ報告しても、とても信じてもらえる話ではないね。
Being away from my home for long periods of time is nothing new for me. I doubt anyone will be upset.当分国に戻らなくとも、いつものことだから。皆、気にしないだろう。
In this world, there are many mysterious things that fall beyond our realm of understanding...この世には、私たちの理解が及ばない不思議がいくらでもあるよ
If something out there is guiding me, I have no choice other than to bow to the dictates of fate...これも何かの導きか…ならば、その運命に従うのみ…
It seems the fate of this world rests on your shoulders.この世界がどう動くか…それを決めるのは、君のようだね。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.ああ
As you command.従うよ
Lead on.君が軍師だ。

캐릭터 페이지로