친애의 꽃 피아니/대사


Hi, I'm Peony! These clothes sure are wonderful... They remind me we can be anything in our dreams!私、ピアニー! この服、素敵でしょ。夢の中では、なんでもできる、なんにでもなれるの。

Triandra is kind, deep down... She does everything she can for the people she cares about.スカビオサはとっても優しい人。大切な人のために一生懸命で…私、大好き。
Everyone has dreams... Some may bring smiles, some may bring tears.人は、夢を見るの…幸せな夢も、怖い夢もね。
Mirabilis is a ljósálfr like me... Despite her being half-asleep most of the time I've known her, she's a dear friend.ルピナスは、私と同じアルフの妖精。ちょっぴりおねぼうさんだけど、とっても大切な仲間なの。
If anything can happen in dreams, then King Freyr and Lady Freyja may still one day find peace once more...フロージ様とフレイヤ様…夢の中でなら、きっとまた仲良しになれるわ。
My dream is for everyone to be happy!今の私の夢は…みんなが幸せな気持ちになること!

친구 방문

You are rather close friends with [Friend], aren't you? How lovely![フレンド]さんとあなたは仲良しなのね。素敵!

레벨 업

Ooh! Wonderful!きゃっ、素敵。
I will do my best no matter what. Just you watch!見ててね、私、がんばるから。
Huh. That doesn't usually happen...あれれ? 不思議…


Oh, thank you! You've made me so happy!ありがとう!とってもとっても嬉しいな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Dreams are wonderful... Dreams are where new ideas are born, after all!
My dream is to make as many people happy as I can.
Warm and floaty, not a care in the world... You know what I mean?
You might be overthinking it...
All right, come with me. You can take a nap, and I'll show you what I mean.





오의 발동

Enough of that!いたずらしないで!
Listen, you!めっ! なんだから
Hush now...いい子いい子…
Rest your eyes.ねんねの時間よ


Dreams never truly...せめて…夢を…


Sweetest dreams.素敵な夢を
Want to play?何して遊ぶ?
This power makes me feel like I could burst... I may never get used to it.体の奥から力が湧いてくるみたい…不思議な感覚…
We mustn't ever give up. That's what Eitr taught me.あきらめちゃだめって、アイトが教えてくれたの。
Triandra... I remember...スカビオサ…あなたは、私の…
Dreams can be strange, but that is what makes them wonderful.夢はとっても不思議で、とっても素敵…
I'm glad to be able to play some part in your dreams.あなたの夢の中に、私もいたらいいな…

아군 턴 터치

Of course.そうね
Oh, let's!遊びましょ

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