살육본능 피에리/대사


I'm Peri. P as in pierce! E as in eviscerate! R as in rupture! And what's the I for...?
Injure! I'm a cavalier from Nohr, so just point me in a direction and I'll get stabby!

The commander is pretty. How does she get her hair so red? Maybe with the blood of her enemies!あなたの上官、素敵なの!髪の毛が真っ赤で綺麗なのよ。あれって返り血で染まったの?
Lord Xander is my liege. He can be a little scary, but I like him anyway. He lets me fight lots and lots!ピエリの主君はマークス様なの!マークス様、いつもはとっても怖いけど…いっぱい戦わせてくれるから大好きなのよ!
Good work patrolling. Hey, if you get tired, come to me for some huggy, squeezy, head-patty friend time!見回りご苦労さまなの!疲れたらピエリがいい子いい子したげるの。ピエリのお胸はふかふかなのよ。
I make a great stew. First, I go to a good butcher. Then I look for fresh, red meat—the drippier, the better!ピエリ、今度お肉屋さんに行きたいの!赤い血の滴るお肉をえいってやって…おいしいシチューを作っちゃうのよ!
I think about my mommy a lot. She's gone, forever. But I'm a good cook like she was, so she'll live forever!ちょっとだけ、お母さんを思い出してたの。もう会えないけど、ピエリ…お母さんとおんなじお料理が作れるのよ。

친구 방문

Ooooh! I found you! I found you! You've got to be [Summoner], right?
Someone friendly-wendly sent me here to say hi. It was [Friend]!

레벨 업

Great! Can I go back to killing guys now?早く誰か殺したいの!もっともっとなの!
Let's see what color bad-guy blood is!敵なんてズタズタにしちゃうのよ!
Ugh! That's almost nothing!ふえーん!大して変わってないのーっ!


You made me stronger, so I'll get stabby with anyone you want!ピエリを強くしてくれたのね。お礼に誰でも殺しちゃうのよっ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, I've been looking for you. I have something tasty-wasty that I made for you!
Cooked it myself. Oh, and I sliced and diced the meat—and all the veggies too!
Eat up while it's hot. Like it? Scrumptious, right? YAY!
My mommy was great at cooking. That's why I want to be good at it too. That way, it's like she's with me!
More than anything, it means that I know how to make you happy-wappy!
So, count on Peri to spice things up in the battle AND the kitchen from now on!
探したの、[召喚師]!今日はあなたに渡したいものがあるのよ。じゃーん! ピエリお手製のお料理なの!
さ、食べて食べてなの!…どうなの? おいしいの??わーい! 喜んでくれて嬉しいの!




That hurts!痛いのーっ!

오의 발동

Right where I want you!ひれ伏せなのー!
Bye-bye, intestines!死んじゃえなのー!
Time to play!ピエリのおもちゃなの!
Killing is now!この子殺していいの!?


Not me!え…? うそ…


Kee hee!えへへ
I get stabby if people make me mad.イライラしたら、えいってするの
I can cook up food like you wouldn't believe!ピエリ、お料理が得意なの!
The outfits in the Order of Heroes are so cute!特務機関のお洋服、とってもかわいいの!
Why's your outfit so white? To make the blood spatters more spattery, right?その真っ白なマントを返り血で染めるのよね?
You work so hard! You deserve a huggy-wuggy!あなた頑張ってるから、いい子いい子してあげるのよ!
Where's my Lord Xander! Where is he?! I need to protect him!マークス様はどこなの? ピエリ臣下だから傍にいなきゃなの
So, I'll get stabbity-stab with enemies, and you'll thank me. Deal?ピエリ頑張るから、また戦場に出してほしいのそれでいっぱい殺せたら、いっぱい褒めてほしいの!

아군 턴 터치

Who's next?誰をやるの?
It's time.殺しちゃうの

캐릭터 페이지로