이국의 태양 페트라/대사


I am called Petra Macneary. I much enjoy swimming in the sea. Will you swim with me?ペトラ=マクネアリー、いいます。海、泳ぐの、好きです。一緒、泳ぐ、泳ぎますか?

Summer in Askr is giving me nostalgia for summers in my homeland. The similarities bring a calm to my heart.アスク、夏、ふるさと、似ています。どこか、懐かしく…心、穏やか、なった、なります。
Brigid is surrounded by water, so I am trained expertly at swimming. I can swim anywhere.ブリギット、海、囲まれた国。だから、わたし、泳ぐこと得意です。どこまでも、泳ぐ、泳げます。
Are you needing a cold drink, [Summoner]?
Come, let us drink together.
Is it feeling hot? I am used to it. This heat is much comforting for me.暑い、ありませんか?わたし、慣れてます。これくらい、非常に快適です。
I don't know if my swimsuit fits me suitably. But...it is feeling easy to move around.水着、似合っている、わかりません。でも、とても動きやすい、わかります。

친구 방문

I do like the summer ocean. I also heard it is liked nicely, or greatly, by [Friend].夏、海、わたし、好きです。[フレンド]さんも好き、言った、言いました。

레벨 업

I show Brigid's pride at sea too.海でも、ブリギットの誇り、見せました。
The flame spirit's protection is strong in summer.夏、火の精霊、加護、強いです。
The sun blinds me... It is dizzying.太陽、まぶしい、めまい、あります…。


This is summer growth in abundance. You are receiving my gratitude.夏、わたし、成長。感謝します。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am spending my days with devotion to my studies, even at the ocean. It is important to keep growing.
But...it is making me remember my home's blue sky and surrounding seas... Distantly far from here.
But somehow I am not lonely. It is strange. Though...
I know the reason—Askr's gentle sea breeze, the sun falling under the horizon—these are familiar in Brigid.
I am feeling a connection with Askr and its ocean. So I have a desire to protect it.
I will be stronger and believe in the flame spirit's protection. Brigid's pride will show. No matter what.





오의 발동

Get to swimming!泳ぐ、しましょう!
Wanting to race?競争、しますか?
Still not done!まだまだ、です!
Too slowly!遅い、です!


The heat is dizzying...暑い…、眩暈、します…


I feel glad swimming in the sea, so every chance I go, I go.海、泳ぐ、好きです。たくさん、泳ぐ、します。
Brrr... What was that? An ice-tickle?!? 冷たい! 何ですか? …氷の、棒?
There's not much protection on this swimsuit. What if an enemy attack comes?水着、布、少ない。敵襲、戦う、不安です。
I am wanting to display to the professor my culture... My marked skin is representing of it.腕、背中の文様、先生、見る、望んでました。見せてきます。
The spirit of the sea is with two faces. One kind, one other frightening...海の精霊、二つの顔、持ちます。優しい顔、恐ろしい顔…
I am having nostalgia for Brigid's sea…ブリギットの海、思い出す、します。懐かしいです。
Together, we will dive under the sea and look on the sky through the seawater.海、潜り、海中より、空、見る。一緒にしましょう。

아군 턴 터치

Is that so?そうですか
Where do I travel?どこ、行きます?
I am not for losing!負けません!

캐릭터 페이지로