와렌의 무용수 피나/대사


Hi, I'm Phina! I'm a dancer from Warren—heard of it? My dances are known for being energizing!私、フィーナ!ワーレンの踊り子よ。私の踊りでみんな元気にしてあげる!

There you are! Er...wait. You're not Navarre... Never mind!あっ、あそこに!と思ったら違うのよね…ナバールさんかと思っちゃった。
I tend to attract scoundrels... I left my group when our leader got too flirty...and then bandits found me!団長がしつこく言い寄ってくるから、ひとりで抜け出したのよね!そしたら、賊に目をつけられちゃって…
Oh no! Your jacket is inside out! How embarrassing! ...Heehee! Only joking! You should see your face!あっ!上着が裏返しじゃない!…ウソウソ、真っ赤になっちゃって!
Hmm... So you can summon all kinds of Heroes, huh? Can you...choose who you summon?ふうん。あなたって、色んな英雄を呼べるんだ。狙って指名はできないの、かな?
Navarre, the hero who saved me, is incredibly strong! They even call him...the Scarlet Sword! So cool!私を救けてくれたナバールさんはそりゃもう強いんだから!紅の剣士って呼ばれてるのよ!

친구 방문

Hm... Expecting a dance, were you? Well, don't blame me when you're bursting with energy afterward!おやおや…その目は…私の踊りを見たいんでしょ!もう、元気になりすぎても知らないよ?

레벨 업

You're in my way! ...Oh, wow! I really am becoming more and more like Navarre. You think so too, right?!………私の前に立つな。…ね、ね、いまのナバールさんに似てたでしょ!
Bet ya underestimated me because I'm a dancer, right? Well, who's the fool now, hm?踊り子だからって私のこと甘く見たんじゃない?残念でした~!
Hey... W-wait a minute... Something's stuck... Ah! Oh no, it's come undone!あれ…ちょ、ちょっと待っててね。巻き布が引っかかって…あっ、あっ、ほどける~


Ugh... I'm a dancer, y'know, so don't expect me to be some great fighter! ...Thanks for thinking of me, though!困るなー、私は踊り子なんだよ?そんなに頼りにされてもね。まあ、期待されるのは嬉しいけど!

5성 40레벨 달성

This world isn't bad, but being here makes me realize how much I like life in Archanea!
Oh, but I really appreciate you too! You've been so helpful since I got here, [Summoner]!
I want to return the favor, so you have to come visit Archanea after all the fighting here is done, OK?!
Promise? If you do, I'll show you a special dance I haven't shown anyone before...
But! You'll just have to wait for that! Don't worry—I'll make sure you've got the energy you need until then!




That hurts...!痛いじゃない…!

오의 발동

Here it comes!いっくわよ~!
How d'you like THIS?これでどう?
Too busy ogling?私に見とれてたの?
I've got what you need...可愛がってあげる




You think I'm cute!可愛いでしょ?
Frills that flitter and flutter!ひらひら~
I'm Phina, a dancer from Warren.私、フィーナっていうの。ワーレンの踊り子よ。
Folks say my dancing renews the energy of whoever watches. I'm just that good!私の踊りを見れば、みんな元気が出るって言うわ。
One time I was attacked by a group of bandits, but...Navarre saved me!ナバールさんは、盗賊に襲われた私を助けてくれたの。
I'll never give up on you, Navarre... Never!私、あきらめないんだからね! ナバールさん。
Yeah, you look pretty good in the face, but...your fashion sense could use some work.あなたも、顔は悪くないけど服のセンスがいまいちね…

아군 턴 터치

Oh yeah?いいんじゃない?
Just you watch!私を見て!

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