유혹의 첫 꿈 플루메리아/대사


I am Plumeria the dökkálfr. Having to consort with mortals at the New Year is nothing short of a nightmare.私は黒妖精のプルメリア。新年から人間と関わることになるなんて。悪い夢のようです…

Though it's a departure from my everyday dress, a kimono does have a certain allure I've come to enjoy.いつものドレスと違って着物というものも趣がありますね。その…気に入りました。
I wish I could celebrate the new year in Dökkálfheimr with Lady Freyja...
She'd hold a banquet so lovely, it'd be beyond even your wildest dreams.
If only for the first dream of the year, I'd enjoy some time alone with you. ...With innocent intentions, of course.初夢くらい純粋無垢な愛の夢を見たいと望んでほしいのですが…はぁ…
The indecent deserve no mercy, regardless of the year.新年早々いかがわしい行いをする人間に情けをかける必要はありません。
A new year, a chance to start anew... Even times like these are stained by the appetites of mortals.年の初めの厳かな空気…人間はこの清らかな瞬間すら欲望で染め上げてしまうのですね。

친구 방문

So you're [Summoner], are you?
I've come to deliver your first dream of the year, with love from [Friend]...

레벨 업

Ahh... This year will be filled with a love like none have ever known...ああ、新たな年が愛で満たされていく…。
Hee hee... How were your dreams as the new year began? Pleasant, I hope...ふふふ…新年から素敵な夢を見られたでしょう?
Not a good sign for the year to come. Surely some vulgar mortals are to blame for this...なんて縁起が悪い…いやらしい人間たちのせいでしょうか。


Y-you're granting me new power? For what purpose? ...What is it you want from me?わ、私にこんな力を与えて見返りに何を…何を求めるつもりです…?

5성 40레벨 달성

What hopeless beings mortals are. The audacity to proclaim their wants for the coming year...
And even in this attire, I've noticed the stares I receive from some are similarly audacious.
I hesitate to react in any way, for it seems any action can be subverted by an onlooker's secret desire.
With you, however, it's different. Your gaze is gentle, like a shroud of protective warmth.
A dökkálfr has no family, but our connection feels like I imagine family to feel—like home, like love...


Please sleep眠りなさい


Can't be stopped...止められない…

오의 발동

Your first dream...これが初夢です
Happy New Year.おめでとうございます
Nothing salvageable.堕落してますね


New year over already?新年早々…いけません…


Sigh of reliefふう…
I understand this outfit is traditional in certain mortal lands... Do I look all right?これは新年の正装だそうです。あの…似合いますか?
Unhand me, miscreant.!? い、いやらしい手で触らないでください!
Do you know what most mortals dream of? Nothing I am willing to describe.人間の望む初夢もやはり…もう、呆れて物も言えません。
There seem to be many New Year's traditions. Can you tell me about some of them?お正月にはいろんな風習があるのですね。もっと教えてください。
A New Year's gift...for me? Ah...thank you. Thank you very much.お年玉…私に下さるのですか? あ、ありがとうございます…
Beautiful clothing, good food... This is what dreams SHOULD be.綺麗な服を着て、ご馳走を食べて…こちらの方が夢のようです。
You're staring because I am dressed unusually, right?…あまりジロジロ見ないでください。私までおかしな気分に…

아군 턴 터치

Yes, of course.従います
Like so?こうでしょうか
The new year calls.年始回りです

캐릭터 페이지로