창염의 후예 파리스/대사


Name's Priam. I'm a descendant of the Radiant Hero, but my strength comes from my own efforts.パリス。旅の者だ。一応、蒼炎の勇者の末裔だが…俺の強さは、俺個人のものだと信じている。

I just got back from sparring with Alfonse. He has real skill, and he never lost his calm.
I'd like to challenge him again.
When I lived in a far-off village, I'd fight any who made it there. Chrom and Robin's army was the toughest.昔は、隠れ里で暮らしていた。各国の戦士の挑戦を受けていたのだが…クロムとルフレの軍は最も手強かったな。
I see that you're on patrol again. Don't forget to eat! Meat's good for keeping your energy up. I'll get you some.今日も任務か?元気をつけるには肉料理が良いぞ。今度、新鮮な肉を仕留めてきてやる。
Sometimes I get jealous of our foes...
If we were enemies, I could cross swords with the Order of Heroes and any of the Heroes whenever I wanted.
I was training. Training is something you can do anywhere and anytime.
Take a look around here—you could do push-ups, run laps, or practice your form. Hmm...

친구 방문

Lots of strong fighters here. I should challenge somebody before I head back to [Friend].[フレンド]から挨拶だ。ここには強そうな奴が多いな…ひと勝負してから戻ることにしよう。

레벨 업

Not good enough. I won't settle for being less than the best.決して満足はしない。俺は誰よりも強くなりたい。
Nothing beats the feel of accomplishment.強くなる瞬間は気分がいい…
Maybe I need to train harder.鍛錬が足りなかったか…?


For giving me this power... You have my thanks. Sincerely.俺に力をくれたのか。感謝しよう…心から。

5성 40레벨 달성

What's this, now? If you're here, that means you're finally ready to duel. Weapon at the ready!
Yes, I know your weapon isn't for fighting. Summon your Heroes, and I'll fell each and every one.
Oh! You can't summon Heroes unless you're at the ruins? I see... When my sword is in my hand, I get overeager.
When I'm faced with a strong opponent, It's always like this. I think Chrom and Robin got sick of it.
What about you?
I'm glad to hear it. I don't want you frustrated with me. I want to be at your side—your strongest sword.
…なに? 遺跡でないと召喚は無理?そ、そうだったのか、早まってすまない。俺は剣のことになるといつもこうでな。




You're strong...!強いな…!

오의 발동

This is the end!お前はここまでだ
The strong survive!言い残すことはないか
Think you can take it?耐えられるか?
Defeat? Never!負けはせん


This is the end for me...俺の限界は…ここか…


I will become stronger—stronger than any man alive!俺は強くなりたい…誰よりも
You wish to learn all I know of fighting? Prepare yourself. This journey will be a long one.戦いの極意を聞きたいか? 話すと長くなるがな
A warrior's life extends no further than that of the weapon he wields. Fail to perform proper maintenance, and... Hmph.武器の手入れは己の命の手入れだ、疎かにするなよ
The act of eating is to take the soul of others and make it into one's own flesh. We should eat with a spirit of thanks.食事は魂を食らうことと同義だ、感謝の気持ちを忘れるな
The road to strength... For you, I guess, that means seeking stronger Heroes, doesn't it?お前も強さを…いや、強い英雄を求めるのか?
As a weapon, Ragnell may be reaching its limit...ラグネルはもう、武器としての限界が近いのかもしれん…
Usually, I don't take orders from anybody. But I guess working for you is good enough for now.誰かの下で働くのは性に合わんのだが…あんたになら、従うのも悪くはないと思う。

아군 턴 터치

Now what?どうすればいい
A worthy rival...強者(つわもの)の気配だ…

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