용기와 춤추는 왕자 큐안/대사


I am Quan, Prince of Leonster. It would be my honor to join you for tonight's ball.レンスターの王子、キュアンだ。今宵の舞踏会、精一杯貴殿らの相手をさせていただこう。

Sigurd and Eldigan have always acquitted themselves naturally well in these situations. I...need to work at it.シグルドやエルトシャンは、学生時代でもこういった場で如才なく立ち回っていたが…まあ、いつまでも苦手と言っていられん。
My wife selected this ensemble for me. It is...quite different from military garb. I am unsure how I feel about it.この衣装は、妻に見立ててもらったのだが…私には似合っているのかわからん。戦装束とは、勝手が違いすぎてな。
Nothing to be ashamed of... No one is without shortcomings. Ah—there you are! Help me to learn these steps?誰にでも得手不得手はあるものだ。臆してなどいないさ…!あ、ああ、ちょっと見ていてくれないか。
Physical challenges rarely intimidate me, but ballroom dancing has proven arduous. Ethlyn says I ought to relax.体を動かすのは得意なのだがな…どうも、舞踏というのは難解だ。力みすぎだとエスリンには言われたが…
I've been studying the choreography, but have yet to master it. Would you mind being my partner for a while?何って、振り付けの確認をしている。だが一人では感覚が掴めないようだ。よければ、少し相手をしてくれないか?

친구 방문

I am Quan, Prince of Leonster. I bring you an invitation to dance from your friend [Friend].私はキュアン。レンスターの王子だ。[フレンド]からの挨拶だ。舞踏祭を共に楽しもうではないか。

레벨 업

A performance befitting the heir to the throne of Leonster.ふっ……どうだ!レンスターを継ぐ者として恥ずかしい姿は見せられんからな!
Whether for battle or the dance floor, preparedness is essential.舞踏会へ臨む気構え、その鍵は戦場と同じと見た。備えを緩めてなどいられない。
Perhaps I've overexerted myself...む。力が入り過ぎたか…


I appreciate this. I will do my utmost to handle it with grace.これは気遣いを、感謝する。道化とならぬよう、頑張らねばな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Stopping for a breather, are you? It seems we are of the same mind at the moment, [Summoner].
To be born a prince means I am obliged to take part in social events of this kind, but...I care little for them.
Perhaps you and I could slip off to the training grounds to spar? I jest, of course. It would ruin my ensemble.
No, I am afraid I must remain here and be princely—for it is princely to overcome one's weaknesses.
You never seem to struggle in your dealings with the Heroes. Perhaps one day you'll share your secret.




Too slow..?遅かったか…

오의 발동

Shall we dance?私と踊ろう
How about this?どうだろうか?
You move well.いい流れだ
One more song?さあ、もう一曲


A grave misstep...不甲斐ないな…


Fight on!まだ戦えるさ
Keep steady.しっかりするんだ
I am a military man first, not a dancer, so I appreciate your patience.私は武人だから…お手柔らかに頼むよ。
This festival would best befit my friends Sigurd and Eldigan, I'm sure.こういった優雅な祭りは、シグルドやエルトシャンの方が得意そうだ。
My partner is Ethlyn, and she alone.私のパートナーはエスリンただ一人だ。
Before long, my children must themselves learn to dance...我が子たちにも、そのうちダンスを学ばせなければな…
A festival is a fine thing. I am honored to spend this one with you.祭りはよいものだな…君と過ごせたことを光栄に思うよ。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.承知した
A difficult routine.悩むな…
With poise.優雅にいこう

캐릭터 페이지로