성광의 창기사 큐안/대사


I am Quan, prince of Leonster. With me I carry the blood of the crusader Njörun and her lance, the Gáe Bolg.私はレンスターの王子キュアン。聖戦士ノヴァの末裔にして地槍ゲイボルグを継ぐ者だ。

The sense of calm I feel here brings me back to my days at the academy.
Back then, my friends and I made a vow to one another...
Though Leonster may be small, our blood is that of Njörun, one of the 12 crusaders.
My cause would bring no shame to our line, and my father saw that it was just, too. And yet...
So restless you are! I have yet to see you idle. If the castle must be patrolled, let me take your place.君はいつ見てもせわしなく動いているな。見回りなら、私が代わりにやっておこう。たまには、ゆっくり休むといい。
Being unable to ride into battle on horseback puts you at a disadvantage, I'd say.
If you'd like to learn to ride, I'd be glad to teach you.
I was just tidying my things—it's become a habit. If there's a mess, my wife will let me know about it.
On that remark, I'd thank you to keep my confidence.

친구 방문

I am Quan, and I bring greetings from [Friend].
May your friendship never falter.

레벨 업

I am the descendant of a crusader. Strength is my heritage.聖戦士の血を引く者としてこのくらいはやってみせねばな。
I must be vigilant and move ever forward.常在戦場…気持ちは切らさず、常に前へ。
Weakness may be a prelude to failure, I fear.くっ、私の力不足か。こんな有様では…


On this lance, I swear that I will exert myself to my utmost on your behalf.更なる活躍を約束しよう、この槍に誓って。

5성 40레벨 달성

Some time has passed since first we fought together... I am now certain you possess great skill.
If you had been there then...
But no. I have something more pressing to discuss. What I want to ask is this: Why do you fight?
How do you find meaning in battle? What goal motivates you?
I was met by defeat and lost everything...
Even so, I still believe my actions will reverberate into the future.
Truly, I have no idea what effect those actions will have on the final outcome...
But I must hold strong to my will to fight. The alternative is too terrifying to contemplate.
As long as you carry justice in your heart, I will be by your side, Gáe Bolg in hand.
Let us move forward without hesitation, my friend.




Damn it...!しまった…!

오의 발동

You face the Gáe Bolg!ゲイボルグよ!
I will not lose.負けはしない
You'll regret this.許さない
For my allies!助けてみせる!


Ethlyn... I'm sorry...エスリン…すまない…


My bond of friendship with Sigurd is unbreakable. Now that I have wed Ethlyn, we are brothers!シグルドは私にとって大切な親友…エスリンを妻にした今では、義兄でもある。
Our Leonster may be a small country, but it is ruled by the descendants of the crusader Njörun.レンスターは小国といえども、聖戦士ノヴァの血を引く勇者の家だ。
Even if I fall into ruin, I will never regret my choice -- as long as I fight for what is right.これが正義の戦いならば、たとえ滅びようとも悔いはない。
When we were just boys studying together, Sigurd, Eldigan, and I shared our dreams for the future.少年の頃、シグルド、エルトシャン、私は士官学校で夢を語り合った。
Have you ever made a mistake? One that haunts you, even now?君は、選択を誤り…今も後悔していることはあるか?
As long as I have the Gáe Bolg, I will not lose.このゲイボルグの槍がある限り、私は負けはしない。
You must not lose your life here. If you were to be placed in danger, I would do everything I could to save you.君を失うわけにはいかない…君に何かあれば、必ず助け出す

아군 턴 터치

Ready to go?無事か?
My strength.力になろう

캐릭터 페이지로