속죄의 사룡 라팔/대사


I am Rafal, and I bring with me the power of the Fell Dragon's lineage. Is it possible...my sister Nel is here?我はラファール。邪竜の血裔の力、上手く使うが良い。ここに姉さん……エルはいるか?

Tell me of the sweets of this world. But omit the mild sweets! I desire what most would say is TOO sweet.この世界の甘味を教えろ、召喚師。言っておくが、薄味のものではないぞ。貴様らが甘過ぎると感じるものを所望する。
My father cast a spell on me, and I ended up doing...unforgivable things. Those sins are all mine to bear.我はかつて、父であった存在に術をかけられ取り返しのつかぬことをした。だが…その行いも、衝動も罪も、全て我のものだ。
I could awaken Emblems in my world. Yet in having traversed worlds twice, I seem to have lost the power.元いた世界では、紋章士を起こす力を有していた。だが二度も世界を渡った今、その力を行使することはできぬようだな。
Allow me to take on your...unsavory missions. I am expendable, unlike my sister, the Divine Dragon, and the rest.後ろ暗い任務は我に命じろ。我は間引かれても良い存在だ。姉さんや神竜、英雄たちが傷つくよりは余程良い。
If Divine Dragon Lumera is here, I will be curious to learn what it was like to await a loved one for a millennium...神竜王ルミエルがいるのなら、いつか話をしてみたい。大切な者の目覚めを千年待ち続けた心持は…どうであったのか。

친구 방문

I come with greetings on behalf of [Friend].
I also come with some of my sweet treats, specially made to suit average palates.

레벨 업

Witness my power!ははは、見たか!全て我の力だ!
The expected result. But I can do more.当然のことだ。別に、喜んでなどいない。
No... I will not be a failure...我は出来損ないではない…


You choose to grant me power... Very well. I may return the favor.我に力を与えるか…ならば、応えてやらんこともない。

5성 40레벨 달성

Summoner, I applaud your deft use of my power. I wish to reward you by speaking about myself and my past.
For a long time, I took the place of one named Nil, who was the true twin of Nel. I looked for Nil here, yet...
Only those who have done great deeds, whether good or evil, will be brought here as a Hero.
Nil's deeds were, sadly, insufficient. Meanwhile, my great deeds were... apocalyptic.
But evil pawns can still do good if wielded well. Thus, thanks to you, I now fight on behalf of the slain.
I believe I shall spend this evening watching the stars. Nil always did like looking at the stars...
If you have no other plans, would you join me, [Summoner]?





오의 발동

Not in a millennium!千年早いわ
Are you frightened?我が怖いか?
I am awakened!目が覚めるようだ
There is no going back.もう戻れぬぞ




Your attempts at altruism remind me of the Divine Dragon...貴様も世話好きなのか。どこかの神竜のようだな。
Do not cling to me! Shall I take on my Fell Dragon form?おい、べたべたと触れるな。邪竜へと姿を変えてやろうか。
The power to awaken Emblems is of no use in Askr.紋章士を目覚めさせる力は、アスクでは何の役にも立たぬな。
Only the sweetest of confections can satisfy me.甘味だと? 中途半端な甘さのものでは、我を満足させることはできぬぞ。
Nel... My sister is my precious counterpart. She always will be, no matter how many thousands of years pass by.エルは…姉さんは我の大切な片割れだ。どこにいても、幾千年経とうとも、ずっと。
Neither the seven bracelets nor my father's power are necessary now.七つの腕輪も、父上の後継者としての力も…今の我には不要なものだ。
Huh? You'll be taking a nap? And would like me to wake you?! Ugh! How dare you. I am not some blithering rooster!は? 昼寝をするからあとで起こしてくれだと?貴様…我を便利な起こし係だとでも思っているのか!?

아군 턴 터치

Let us proceed.いいだろう
Yours to command.ラファールだ
Let us go.行くぞ

캐릭터 페이지로