축복의 날개 라피엘/대사


My name is Rafiel, a heron and survivor of the Serenes kingdom.
I came here at behest of the one I love and owe my life to.

Reyson, Leanne... All have blessed me. I pray for this happiness to continue.リュシオン、リアーネ…皆も私を祝福してくれるのですね。どうか…この幸せが続きますように…
Queen Nailah is naturally beautiful, but it's her kindness and refinement from within that radiate most of all.ニケ女王の美しさは、内面から溢れる優しさと気高さにあります。もちろん、花嫁姿もとてもお美しい…
I shall never take flight again, but I still have my voice. I hope my songs can reverberate throughout the world.私の翼はもう二度と羽ばたけません。ですが、私の歌と想いはどこまでも響いていくことでしょう。
The kindness everyone has shown me... I am continuously moved to tears.皆さんのご厚意はしっかりと私の胸に伝わっています。うっ…感動で涙がとまりません…
I'm inspired to sing a song of good fortune for the future of these brides and grooms.これから先、光ある未来を歩む花婿たちと花嫁たちのために…祝福の歌を贈りましょう。

친구 방문

I come bearing a wedding invitation from [Friend].[フレンド]から婚礼の儀の招待状をお持ちしました。ぜひ、ご参加ください。

레벨 업

Everyone's blessings give me strength.皆の祝福が、私に力をくれるのです。
Do not fret, I'm in good spirits today.大丈夫、今日は身体の調子も良いみたいです。
...I shouldn't overdo it.…無理は禁物ですね。


Thank you. I can feel this new strength flowing through me.ありがとうございます。身体中に力が染み渡るようです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Thank you for inviting me here. Askr is a wonderful place filled with caring people, [Summoner].
After the Serenes Massacre, I trudged through the desert in agony believing my entire clan had been wiped out...
I had lost my ability to fly, but Queen Nailah offered me her hand, and with that, I pledged my life to her.
And now here, I reunited with my brother and sister and will partake in the lively wedding festivites.
My power may pale in comparison to other Heroes, but I'll give all I am to preserve the harmony of Askr.





오의 발동

A special day.特別な日です
Together forever...永遠にふたりで…
My queen.我が女王よ
You have my love.愛しています


As petals fall...花が…散ってしまいます…


A song of blessing.祝福の歌です
Love overflowing.溢れる愛を
Have you seen my bride? She must look very beautiful...私の花嫁はどこでしょう? きっと美しいのでしょうね…
After I lost everything, my queen restored my hope.女王は、すべてを失った私に再び希望を与えてくれた人です。
I hope that my brother and sister each find themselves in wedding attire in their turn.妹や弟たちのこんな姿を、いつか見てみたいものですね。
You may say that this is a simple festival... but in this attire, I am as nervous as a groom!祭りとはいえ…このような衣装は緊張します…
Receiving your blessing on this fine day makes me happy indeed.このよき日を、あなたに祝福してもらえて私は幸せ者です。

아군 턴 터치

So I vow.誓いましょう
This way?どちらへ行けば?
Take my hand.さあ、手を取って

캐릭터 페이지로