사막의 근육상인 라파엘/대사


My name's Raphael Kirsten! I'm not really sure what this festival's about, but I hear the food's pretty good!オデはラファエル=キルステン!この格好、何の祭りなんだ?食えるもんがありゃ何だっていいけどなあ!

These clothes are great for showing off my muscles! I wish my little sis and grandpa could see me in this!この衣装、オデの筋肉がよく見えてカッコイイなあ、気にいったぞ!妹と爺ちゃんにも見せてやりたいなあ!
I'm one of the best eaters around! Bring me meat! Bring me fish! I'll take on any challenge!オデ、食うのは得意だぞ!肉でも魚でもどんどん、持ってきてくれえ!
Hey, summoner. What're you up to? Wanna go find some food?おう、召喚師さん、何してんだ?一緒に美味い肉でも食いにいこう!
Hah! Grah! Yah! Hrmph! ...Whew! I gotta keep training to get stronger. Can't let these muscles relax!ふんっ、ふんっ、ふんっ!どんな時でも、鍛錬は欠かさねえ!筋肉いじめぬいて、オデは強くなるぞ!
All right, here's what you do. First, grab a sack and fill it with rocks. Then you swing it round and round, got it?
Huh? What's wrong? I thought you were looking for a new exercise!

친구 방문

Hey! You're [Summoner]! This is for you. It's from your old pal [Friend]!あんたが[召喚師]か?[フレンド]から手紙を預かってきたんだ、ほら!

레벨 업

Grraaahhh! I'm fired up! My muscles are happy, and when they're happy, I'm happy too! Check 'em out!うおお、燃えてきたぞおお!オデの筋肉も喜んでる!パッツパツのパンッパンだ!
I gotta keep working to get bigger, stronger muscles!オデはもっとデカく、もっと強くなる!何だってやってやるぞ!
My poor muscles... I can't keep letting them down...オデの筋肉が通用しねえ……鍛えが足りねえかあ。


For me? Thanks!これ、オデにくれんのか?ありがとなあ!

5성 40레벨 달성

I hear there's a country called Plegia, and that's where these clothes come from. The material is so thin though!
Do you think they get cold in winter? And what kinds of food do you think they eat? I bet it's tasty...
Oh! I gotta tell my little sis about this festival! She'd love it here! Maybe I can write a letter and send a gift...
What's something Maya would like? I'm no good at picking out gifts. I'm great with muscles! But bad at gifts...
Ugh. All this thinking's worked up my appetite. C'mon, let's go find something to fill our stomachs!




That hurts, ya know!いてえなあ…

오의 발동

Sorry about this!元気ねえな
Curse you!呪っちまうぞおお!
Doing my best!オデ、がんばるぞ!
Look out below!ドーン!!


Maya...I'm sorry.ごめんよおお…


Someone said they wear these clothes in a country called Plegia, but... I've never heard of the place.この格好はペレジアって国の服だぞ。なあ、ペレジアってどこだ?
Dagh?! Hey now! Don't sneak up on me like that!うほっ!? 何すんだ、びっくりしたぞ!
I don't even know what this festival is about, but I heard there was a feast!どんな祭りでも、ご馳走がでるなら大歓迎だ。
What do people eat in the desert? I hope it's meat...砂漠の連中ってどんなもん食ってんだ? 肉はあるのかなあ
I like these Plegia clothes. They really show off my muscles, huh?この格好だとよくわかるだろ? オデの筋肉美!
I gotta become a proper knight so I can take care of my little sis!オデは立派な騎士になって妹を食わせてやらなきゃならねえんだよ。
Hey, I got an idea! Let's have a muscle festival next time!いいこと思いついたぞ! 召喚師さん、今度は肉祭りなんてどうだ?

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me!任せろ!
I can't wait!待ってくれよお

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