간호의 치유하는 손 라타토스크/대사


I-I'm Ratatoskr, of the Healing Hands! Anyone sick? Or injured?あああたし、ラタトスクですっ!【癒し手】で看護をしてたの。怪我や病気の人はいませんか?

Prince Alfonse, Princess Veronica, and all the people of both their countries are...are important!アスク王国のアルフォンス王子やヴェロニカ皇女は、両国の人たちにとってとっても大切な人。だから…
Our home is among the branches of the World-Tree Yggdrasill. It's huge— as big as all nine realms combined!ユグドラシルの樹の中にはあたしたちのお家があってね。すっごく広いの、九の世界全部くらい!
Huh? Wh-what's strange about a tail, hm? Is it really so odd?え? な、ななな何?あ、この尻尾?へんかなあ…?
Father... Brother... My sisters... I must do this.お父さん、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんたち…みんな…
My sister is very kind. I would... I would do anything for her.お姉ちゃんは、とっても優しい人。お姉ちゃんのためなら、あたし、なんでもする…

친구 방문

Oh, hi! Umm... I'm Ratatata! Er, no—wa-wa-wait! Ratatoskr! I'm Ratatoskr!あの、あのあのあのあの!あたしラタトク…ラタタク…っラタトスクですっ!

레벨 업

I want my life to be in service of someone good, like Prince Alfonse!あたしの命は、アルフォンス王子みたいな良い人のために使いたい…!
Ow-ow-ow-ow! ...Oh, I'm still alive?はわわわわ!?…あれ、あたし、生きてる…?
Gah! I bit my cheek...うぅ…慌てすぎて舌噛んじゃった…


Th-thank you! I hope I can return the favor!あ、ありがとう!ちゃ、ちゃんと何かお礼しないと、ちょちょちょっと待ってね…

5성 40레벨 달성

My father, my brother, my sisters... All of my family is important to me.
I loved them all so dearly. And they loved me as well...
They always did whatever they could to heal the sick—and they were loved for that. I loved them for that.
I was proud to be a member of the Healing Hands.
Looking back, I still have fond memories...but those memories are a reminder of what I've lost.





오의 발동

I— I— Aaah!あああたしは…!
Wait! Just...just...ちょちょちょっ…!
Can't stop now.負けないもんっ
I have to help.助けたいの




Oh! Um, hello... I'm Ratatoskr! I'm a member of the Healing Hands.え、えと、あたしラタトスク。 あたしも【癒し手】の一人なの。
*start* ...Wh-what was that for?!ひゃわわあっ!? なになになんなのっ…!?
Every world can be found within the branches of Yggdrasill.あたしたちは、ユグドラシルの樹の中を通って、どの世界にも行けるの。
We Healing Hands were devoted to saving the lives of the sick and the injured...【癒し手】はね、怪我や病気の人の命を、いっぱい救ったの。
I can't harm innocents! Even if there is a reason to...I just can’t!罪もない人を殺してしまうのは、どうしても、いやだから…
Hræsvelgr... We will work side by side again, one day...お姉ちゃん…いつかお姉ちゃんと一緒に…
Call on me if you're ever hurt. I am one of the Healing Hands after all.怪我しちゃった時は、あたしに言って。あたしだって【癒し手】の一人だもんっ。

아군 턴 터치

Where was that?どどどどっちに行くの…?
I'll...do all I can.あたしがんばるっ

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