초원의 젊은 늑대 라스/대사


I am Rath of the Kutolah, son of Dayan, the Silver Wolf. My life and limb are devoted to my people.俺は、クトラ族のラス。『灰色の狼』ダヤンの息子だ。同胞のためなら、この命を張ろう。

In times of invasion, the many tribes shall unite as one to ensure their survival. So state the laws of Sacae.侵略者には、すべての部族が団結して立ち向かう……それがサカの掟。
A disaster looms... A dark flame, consuming all. It is my task—my burden—to stop the burning.災いが来る……【全てを焼き尽くす暗い赤】という名のな。それを止めるのが俺の使命だ。
So long as Dayan, the Silver Wolf, can bear his fangs, no foe can claim any foothold upon Sacaen lands.
For that, I am proud to be his son.
Pay me no mind. I've been fighting alone, out of formation, since I was young. I find it easier at this point.俺のことは気をつかわなくていい。幼い頃から戦いの中に身を置いている。むしろ独りのほうが、動きやすいからな。
In times of bountiful harvest, all shall pray to the land and stars at sunrise. So state the laws of Sacae.自然の恵みに感謝し、日々欠かさず、大地と星々に祈りを捧げる。それが我々の、サカの掟だ。

친구 방문

I am Rath of the Kutolah. I dwell with [Friend]...for now.俺はクトラ族のラス。[フレンド]の世話になっている。

레벨 업

By wrath of Father Sky!父なる空の怒りを知れ……!
By voice of Mother Earth!母なる大地の声を聞け……!
I am the son of Dayan, the Silver Wolf. Trifles such as this matter little.俺は、『灰色の狼』ダヤンの子…こんなことでくじけはしない。


I suppose this deserves to be put to proper use. Very well, then.そういうことなら、さらに張り切ってみせよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

A prophecy foretold a dark flame, consuming all, and a child born to stop the burning... Me.
I was very young, but I heeded the words of the diviner, leaving the Kutolah to wander the world alone...
I have yet to discover what this "dark flame" could be, but coming here has taught me one thing, at least.
No matter the world, there are always those who rebel against Mother Earth and Father Sky.
If my destiny is to stand against such foes so disaster might be averted, then I shall do so by your side.





오의 발동

You should have walked away.立ち去るがいい
Forgive me.許せ
By the guidance of the wind!風の導きよ
A thousand curses upon you!父なる空の怒りを!




I am Rath of the Kutolah. Son of Dayan, the Silver Wolf.俺は、クトラ族のラス。『灰色の狼』ダヤンの息子だ。
Wh-what...? If you’ve no business with me, I’m leaving.な、なんだ…? 用がなければ…行く。
A Sacaen warrior proudly defends his own. We do not abandon our brethren.命を張って同族を守るのがサカの戦士だ。同胞を見捨てはしない。
I left the Kutolah before I was old enough to understand the true strength of the tribe. For fifteen years now, I've traveled by myself.俺は物心のつかぬうちにクトラを離れた。もう十五年あまりになる。
I was told that I was born into my land to stop the burning... A dark flame, consuming all.全てを焼き尽くす暗い赤…俺はその災いを防ぐために生を受けたそうだ。
I no longer fear the pain of being alone… Though I do remember how it feels.今はもう孤独をかんじることもないが…時折あの頃のことを思い出す。
May the blessings of Mother Earth be upon you...お前に母なる大地の恵みがあらんことを……

아군 턴 터치

Let's make it so.そうか…
For the sky and earth.空と大地に誓って

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