걱정 없는 웃는 얼굴 레베카/대사


I'm Rebecca! I love to cook, and I can even use a bow!わたし、レベッカ!お料理するのが好きです!弓も使えます!

Maybe my big brother and Wil have been brought to this world like me...もしかしたら、おにいちゃんやウィルもこんな風に別の世界へ……?
There are so many strong people here. I wonder if that knight is one of them...
The knight on the white horse who saved my village from bandits!
Out on patrol, huh? Is it OK if I tag along too?見回りですか?わたしもついて行っていい?
Doesn't this bread smell great? Baked it myself, you know. I kneaded lots of fruits and herbs into it.いいにおいがするパンでしょ?これ、わたしが焼いたんです。果物と香草をたっぷり練り込んで…
Look at all these nuts and berries I picked! Hm, what should I make? A necklace might be nice.木の実をたくさん取ってきたんです!何を作ろうかな?ネックレスがいいかな~

친구 방문

Hey, I'm Rebecca! Just here with a hello from [Friend]!わたし、レベッカです。[フレンド]さんのおつかいで来ました!

레벨 업

Big brother Dan, Wil... Come home soon! I promise I'll keep working hard until then!おにいちゃん、ウィル…早く帰ってきてね!それまでわたし、がんばる!
I'm going to be strong enough to defend my village from bandits!わたしが強くなって村を山賊から守るんだ!
I'm just taking a little break. That's OK, right?すこし休憩!ね、いいでしょう?


I-is it really all right to give me so much? Wow...い、いいんですか?わたしがこんな……!

5성 40레벨 달성

U-um, excuse me, Summoner! I've been waiting to talk to you.
I'm sorry, I'm sure you must be tired. But there's something I wanted to ask you about.
I could use some advice. I'm looking for a couple people: my big brother, Dan, and neighbor, Wil.
They both left our village without a word one day... I was thinking that maybe they could be here.
If you happen to see the two of them, please tell them that Rebecca is really steaming mad at them!
I have no idea where they are, or if they're eating properly... Ugh! I'm so worried, it's making ME hungry!





오의 발동

I'll try my best!がんばるね!
How am I doing?ほめてくれる?
I won't miss!負けないよ!




I'm Rebecca! I hunt with my bow!レベッカです! 弓で獲物をとることができます!
*gasp* Are you trying to play a game with me?わあっ!? なんですか、こういう遊びですか?
Wil's my neighbor. We play together most days.お隣のウィルとは、いつもいっしょに遊んでます。
I love shooting my bow, but I still have a tough time changing the string.弓の練習はたのしいけど、弦をかえるのがうまくできなくて…
My brother Dan is really kind.ダンおにいちゃんは、とっても優しいんです。
I wonder what the world is like outside my village...村の外ってどんなところだろう?
I can cook, so I'll make you lunch sometime!わたし、お弁当つくれるんです。今度作ってあげますね。

아군 턴 터치

What should I do?どうしよう…
Ready to go!いってきまーす!

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