신춘의 준마 레긴/대사


I'm Reginn! Happy New Year! I plan on enjoying this next year in Askr to the absolute fullest!私、レギン! 明けましておめでとう!アスク王国の新年、いっぱいいっぱい楽しんじゃうの!

All this New Year's food looks so delicious! I want to learn how to make it so I can cook it for my brothers.お正月のお料理、どれも美味しそう!お兄ちゃんたちにも作ってあげたいから作り方を教わってるの!
I brought this otter from Niðavellir! It looks a little bit like Ótr, doesn't it?このカワウソくんは、ニザヴェリルからつれてきたの! どことなーくオッテルお兄ちゃんに似てるでしょ?
Look! Fáfnir gave me some money as a New Year's gift. Hmm...I think I'll save it!ファフニールお兄ちゃんからお年玉をもらったの!これは使わずにとっておくの!
I drew my fortune 10 times in a row and got the worst luck every time... Huh? I'm only supposed to take one?おみくじ、10回連続大凶だったの。中身は全部大凶なのかな…え? 引くのは1回でいいの?
This is called a kimono? It's so frilly and cute! I'm going to go show my brothers!この衣装、着物って言うんだね。フリフリでとっても可愛いの!お兄ちゃんたちにも見せてくるのー!

친구 방문

Happy New Year! We are all celebrating over at [Friend]'s castle!明けましておめでとうなの![フレンド]さんのお城は、年明けのお祝いをしてるの!

레벨 업

I have a feeling I'll be really lucky this year. This just confirms it!今年はついてる気がするの!全力で駆け抜けちゃうよー!
I can still get so much stronger! The person I am this year will be even better than I was the year before!まだまだ強くなれる気がするの!今年の私は一味違う! かもなの!
*sigh* I must have eaten too much mochi. I'm so full I can barely move...はぅ…お餅を食べ過ぎてお腹がパンパンで動けないの…。


This is for me? Thank you so much! With this, I can be an even stronger ally for you this year!これを私に…? ありがとうなの!今年はもっともっと活躍できそうなの!

5성 40레벨 달성

Umm, I have something to ask you.
I overhead people saying that your first dream of the year becomes reality. Is...is that true?
Last night I dreamed that I was celebrating the New Year in a cozy room with my brothers.
We promised we would all get along and work together again, like a family. They were even smiling!
I hope that will become reality. But hoping only does so much. I have to work to make this dream come true.
Will you help make my New Year's dream come to pass? You will? Yay! Let's work hard together this year!
[召喚師]さんも手伝ってくれる? うれしい!よーし、頑張っちゃうの!





오의 발동

The time has come!謹賀新年!
To another great year!今年もはりきっちゃうの!
A New Year's gift!これがお年玉なの!
Feeling lucky?!運試しなの!


Off to a bad start...やっぱり…大凶なの……


Happy New Year! Let's make this year just as fun as last year!明けましておめでとうございます! 今年もよろしくなの!
*startle* Ugh! Even when I'm dressed up, I can't keep the refined act going all that long...うひゃあっ! もう! おめかししてるのに変な声だしちゃったの。
So, that huge stack of mochi over there... Is that...decoration? Or are we going to eat it? It's making me hungry...あそこに飾ってある大きなお餅! あれはいつ食べるの?
Since it's a new year, I fixed up my Gullinbursti so it's sparkling!グリンブルスティも、お正月だからピカピカに磨いてあげたの。
Time for my New Year's fortune! ...All right, let's see... Huh. The worst possible luck.おみくじで今年の運勢を占ってみるの! えーっと……、大凶なの…
Do you think my brothers will give me New Year's gifts? *giggle* I can't wait!お兄ちゃん達、お年玉くれるかなあ…えへへ……
This next year, we'll do everything together, right? It'll be the best year ever!今年も来年も、ずっとずーっと一緒にいようね。約束なの!

아군 턴 터치

You got it!はーい!
Well, umm...ええっと…
Let the fireworks begin!ご挨拶するの!

캐릭터 페이지로