희망의 준마 레긴/대사
I'm Reginn! I'm here to help, and that is exactly what I'll do. Pretty soon you and I will be full-on friends! | 私、レギン!絶対あなたの役に立っちゃうから!いっぱいいっぱい仲良くしてね。 |
Fáfnir, Ótr—my brothers... If only we could go back to when we lived together in peace... | ファフニールお兄ちゃん、オッテルお兄ちゃん…昔みたいに三人で静かに仲良く暮らせたら… |
In my country, there are many incredible machines. I'd love to understand what makes them tick! | ニザヴェリルには不思議な機械がたくさんあるの。でも私にはよくわかんないの。 |
One thing you ought to know about me is, I'm an excellent cook. I could make a great meal here and now! | 私、お料理だけは得意なんだ!あなたにも栄養満点のお食事作ってあげるの! |
Being in such a huge castle is so exciting! Want to explore with me? ...Prince Alfonse won't mind, right? | おっきなお城ってわくわくしちゃうの!ねえ、一緒に探検にいかない?アルフォンス王子に怒られちゃうかな。 |
My brother gave me this compass. I like to keep it polished. The day may come when I'll need to use it again. | お兄ちゃんからもらったコンパスを磨いてるの。またいつか、使う日が来るかもしれないから… |
친구 방문
My name's Reginn! Let's be friends! I'm already full-on friends with your friend [Friend], soo... | [フレンド]さんととってもとっても仲良しなレギンなの!あなたとも仲良くなりたいな。 |
레벨 업
All thanks to [Summoner]! | これも[召喚師]さんのおかげなの! ありがとう! |
I want to get stronger, but I know I mustn't rush it. | もっと強くなりたいけど焦っちゃだめなの。 |
Ugh. Disappointing. But I mustn't give in to misery... | 全然ダメ…さすがにしょんぼりなの… |
Oh, wow! You're sure? I won't let this go to waste! | わわっ、ほんとにいいの?私、いっぱいがんばるの! |
5성 40레벨 달성
...Oh! I hadn't noticed you there. Sorry about that. I can be a bit absentminded sometimes. I know I'm usually thinking about my brothers, but...this time I was thinking about you. You're just...such a mystery to me, [Summoner]! You forgave me for attacking you, and you agreed to help me, and... I appreciate that. When I'm with you, I feel a little more at ease. Which isn't to say I don't feel nervous around you... ...Now's no time to get shy, Reginn! I don't know what the future has in store, but it's comforting to know you'll be right there with me. | …あ、[召喚師]さん!気がつかなくてごめんなさいなの。私、すぐぼんやりしちゃうの。 お兄ちゃんたちのこと考えてたのかって?ううん、違うの。あなたのこと考えてたの。 [召喚師]さんってとっても不思議な人なの!私のことも許してくれて、助けてくれて… いっしょにいるとすごく安心するの。でもでも、ちょっとドキドキもするの。やだっ、何だか照れちゃう~~~! これから先、どんなことが起こるかわかんないけど…私の手を離さないでね。約束なの! |
やあっ | |
えーいっ! |
きゃあっ | |
I'll lose...! | 負けちゃう…! |
오의 발동
This is it for you! | やっつけちゃうの! |
I'm going to stop you! | 私が止めるの! |
I don't think so! | 絶対許さない! |
Just like Fáfnir... | お兄ちゃんみたいに… |
Not good enough... | 私…やっぱりダメなの…? |
Ehehe | えへへっ |
I'm Reginn. Who are you? ... No, let me start again. I am Reginn. It's an honor to make your acquaintance. | 私、レギンなの! …じゃなくて(咳払い)レギンと申します。 |
Argh! Oh, it's you? Cut it out already! | きゃーっ!? もー、あなたなの? 意地悪しないでほしいの。 |
I don't remember my parents, but... Don't waste your worry on me. I'm not sad. | 両親のことは覚えてないの。でも、寂しくなんかないよ? |
My brother Fáfnir is a Hero to me. He's always protected me. | ファフニールお兄ちゃんは、ずっと私たちを守ってくれた英雄なの。 |
Ótr may be hot-tempered, but underneath it all, he's a sweet guy. | 怒りっぽいけど、オッテルお兄ちゃん、ほんとはとっても優しいの。 |
I hope my brothers and I can all live together as a family again someday. | いつかまた、お兄ちゃんたちと一緒に仲良く暮らしたいの… |
Thanks for all your help. Before you know it, I'll be returning the favor! | 私に力を貸してくれてありがとう。絶対恩返しするから待っててなの! |
아군 턴 터치
Yeah! | うんうん! |
Over here? | こうかな? |
I won't lose! | 絶対負けないの! |