애학이면의 닌자 유우기리/대사


My name is Reina. I am overjoyed to take part in the ninja festival. Now, to bring our enemies to slaughter...私、名をユウギリと申します。まさか私が忍者になるなんて。敵をどのように屠るか、うずうずしますわ。

I usually defeat my foes with a grand flourish on the battlefield. But lurking in the shadows might not be so bad...
Just think of all the creative ways I could experience the thrill of the final blow if they don't see me coming.
Saizo has told me that a ninja should be able to disappear seamlessly into a crowd.
I suppose donning festival garb at a festival is one way to do that.
At your word, your enemy will find an arrow through their heart. A moment's opening is all I'd need.一呼吸の間さえあればじゅうぶん。我が一閃をもって敵を射貫いて差し上げましょう。
As a kinshi knight, I typically wield a naginata and bow. But I am curious to learn the ways of the ninja...私は薙刀と弓を手に金鵄武者となりましたが忍の道も奥深そうで興味津々ですわ。
This outfit is not well-suited for doing laundry or cleaning, so I'm afraid I will have to help another time.この格好はお掃除やお洗濯の手伝いには向きませんわね。またの機会に頑張るとしましょう。

친구 방문

Greetings. I am the ninja Reina. I come bearing a gift from [Friend].私は忍者ユウギリ。[フレンド]様から贈答品を預かって参りましたの。

레벨 업

Hehe... I will relish their cries of terror and anguish as I descend upon them. Won't you scream for me?ふふふっ……血煙の絶えぬ地獄の先に……素敵な断末魔を聞かせてちょうだい?
And now for the finishing blow...さあ、とどめのお時間ですわ。
You believe I can improve if I give it my all? Then it shall be so!私に本気を出せと。そう、おっしゃるのですね………よろしいですわ……!


My, how flattering.まあ、お上手ですこと。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this festival and speak with you, [Summoner].
Ninja are warriors of Hoshido. In my youth, I heard countless rumors about them.
In serving the imperial palace, I have developed a better understanding of both the honor and cruelty of ninja.
It may not fit the merriment of this festival, but when a ninja violates the rules of their clan...
their punishment is said to be so severe that no one dares speak of it.
Ah, what tortures could they be employing? If only I could witness such a punishment...
Oh my, it seems I've dominated the conversation. How rude of me.
Allow me to excuse myself. Do take care, won't you, Summoner?





오의 발동

Ah, exquisite pain.苦しめて差し上げます
May I kill you now?殺してはだめですの?
Let's enjoy the festival.お祭りですものね…
Scream for me?せめて悲鳴を…


What a shame...あら…残念…


I enjoy the outfit, though perhaps it would have suited me better in my youth.年甲斐もなくこんな衣装を…。お恥ずかしいです。
Oh! Do I need to adjust my outfit?きゃっ…!? 服が乱れておりましたか?
The moment when my blade punches through a skull... There is nothing like it.敵の脳天に刃を突き刺すあの瞬間…思い出すだけでうっとりしますわ。
If you insist, I will leave my foes alive. It is a festival, after all...お祭りですものね、わかっております。半殺しくらいで…
I am ill-suited to covert operations. I tend to...forget myself in battle.闘いになると我を忘れてしまうので、隠密行動には向いてませんの。
*sigh* I long for the rush of combat...ああ…次の闘いが待ち遠しいですわ…
Rely on me to protect you—both in the open and in the shadows.これからも陰に日向に、あなたをお守り致しますわ。

아군 턴 터치

Oh, dear...あらまあ…
Ready for battle.お任せを

캐릭터 페이지로