토드의 환생 라인하르트/대사


My name is Reinhardt. Allow me to demonstrate why Friege's lightning magic knows no equal.私はラインハルト。フリージの雷撃は天下無双…ご覧に入れましょう。

My sister is an adult now, as Bishop Saias once reminded me. As such, I should respect her decisions.サイアス様が言われたように私の妹は大人になったようです。その意志を尊重したいと思います。
Olwen now wields the sacred blade that Ishtar once presented to me. I no longer have need of it.イシュタル様から頂戴した聖剣は妹のオルエンに託しました。私には、もう必要のないものです。
Please, do not overexert yourself.どうかご無理をなさらぬよう。
I shall stay by your side and defend this land until the bitter end.何があろうと、この地を守り抜きましょう。
It is...jarring to realize just how alone I have been all this time.自分がどれほど孤独であるのかを今更ながらに気付かされるとは…

친구 방문

Excuse my unannounced arrival, but I come bearing greetings from our ally [Friend].突然の来訪をお許しいただきたい。[フレンド]城からご挨拶のため参上いたしました。

레벨 업

May this flash of lightning illuminate my path forward.この雷光の先に……新たな道が見えることを願う。
This must be fate.これも運命か…
What is it I am so afraid of?私は何を恐れているのか……


I am honored.光栄に存じます。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, Summoner. Does sleep elude you as well? I have been writing up a military tactics book to pass the time.
There has long been a debate in the military world: is it wiser to insist on victory or retreat before loss?
I believe the ideal action in battle is the one that produces the fewest casualties. Victory requires survival.
However, such a macro debate doesn't truly allow one to value the life of an individual soldier.
I fear I have lost sight of this value as well. Even though it is what I was bred and trained for, recently I...
Ah, how unbecoming. Forgive me for rambling.
Please know that no personal strife shall dull my capability and pride as a mage knight of Friege.
I believe crusader Thrud will forgive my absence from Friege to support your noble cause.





오의 발동

On my honor!この名にかけて!
I call thunder...我が雷よ…
Shall we?覚悟はよろしいか
With all I have!全力で参る!


How shameful...不甲斐ない…


I am Reinhardt, knight of Friege. I come bearing power anew.フリージの騎士ラインハルト、新たな力を得て参上しました。
*start* Please, stop your foolishness.!? お戯れを…おやめください。
Perhaps it is my natural affinity, but thunder magic seems to grant me more power than any other.雷の魔道は私と相性がいいのか、力を与えてくれるようです。
I strive to remain diligent in all my pursuits. One must not fall victim to complacency.これに慢心せず、さらに精進していきたいと思います。
You think this attire suits me? I am flattered to hear as much.この衣装、お気に召しましたか? それはよかった。
Lady Ishtar... It seems you no longer have need of me.イシュタル様にもう私は必要ない…
It brings me joy to support your ambitions.あなたの崇高な理想の一助となれることは私の喜びです。

아군 턴 터치

As you command.そう致します
Your orders?ご指示を
Leave it to me.お任せください

캐릭터 페이지로