뇌신의 검 라인하르트/대사


I am Reinhardt of Friege, the mage knight.
Lest you think my talents are limited to magic, let me demonstrate to you my skill with a blade.

I have seen others burn with passion that utterly consumes them...
I do not believe I have this capacity. And I have come to see that as a weakness.
It is with good reason that Lady Ishtar is called the Goddess of Thunder.
The amount of magical power she commands is far beyond my grasp.
Guard your health, and guard it well. As long as we have you, there's little chance this army will be defeated.お風邪など召されませんように。あなたがご無事でいてくだされば、この軍に敗北はあり得ません。
Leif is the enemy. However, being here—another place, another time— may allow me to tread another path.リーフ王子は我々の敵…ですが、時と空が異なる今ならば、また別の道もあるかもしれません。
When the subject turns to tactical geniuses, only two names ought to be spoken: Saias's...and yours.私の知る天才軍師は二人。一人はサイアス卿…そしてもう一人があなたです。

친구 방문

You may think it rude that I don't dismount. You would be correct.
Still and all, I bid you greetings on behalf of [Friend].
Now, if you'll excuse me, an urgent mission requires my attention.

레벨 업

Friege rains thunder on its foes. An instant later, they are gone.フリージの戦いは雷…瞬時に敵を葬るもの。
To wield both blade and tome... This is what it means to be a mage knight.剣も魔道も操ってこその魔道騎士。
I beg you—give me a chance to reclaim my honor.…どうか、挽回の機会をお与えください。


My gratitude is boundless. I promise excellent results.幸甚の至りです。さらなる戦果を約束致しましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Long ago, I fought Prince Leif and his army at the River Thracia.
We had the advantage. My forces outnumbered his, and my position was more favorable.
And yet I was defeated. But how? To what do I ascribe my failure?
Thinking about it now, I believe the question is one of spirit.
Whatever the odds against them, Prince Leif's forces possessed a will strong enough to grasp victory.
Their determination shone, and it was something I lacked. That, I suppose, is my weakness.
However, fighting by your side has helped me conquer this failing in myself.
My will is strong. As long as it lasts, I will bring you victory.




A blunder...不覚を…

오의 발동

Forgive me.お許しください
Excuse me.ご無礼を
I'll show you how it's done.お見せしましょう
Forward, now!駆けよ!


My regrets...申し訳…ありません…


I am Reinhardt, a knight of Friege.私はフリージの騎士ラインハルト。
Eh? You have the mischievous heart of a child.!? …あなたは子供のような悪戯心を持っておられる。
In battle, a mage-knight should be equipped with more than just magic, my friend.魔道騎士の戦いは、魔道のみにあらず。
I can fight at my utmost thanks to you.あなたの指揮があってこそ、私は戦うことができる。
Your stratagems... It's almost as though you can espy the battlefield as a whole.あなたの策はまるで、戦場のすべてを見通しているかのようだ。
Olwen... It seems you've chosen your own path, my sister.オルエンは…妹は、自分の道を見つけたようです。
Perhaps the person I ought to serve...is you.私が仕えるべきあるじは…あなたなのかもしれません。

아군 턴 터치

You are good.さすがです。
As you planned.作戦通りに

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