집념의 주술사 샤라/대사


It's good to meet you. I am Rhajat... daughter of the diviner Hayato.
And I certainly won't object to helping someone like you...

I'm rather curious about your summoning capabilities... All I've ever been able to summon are monsters.貴方の召喚の力、興味があるわ…私も…似たようなことができるのよ。呼び出せるのは化け物だけれどね…
I was raised in the Deeprealms. It was nice. Dark, gloomy... The perfect place to carry out my research.私は秘境育ちなの…あの場所はよかったわ、暗くて、陰気で…一人で呪術の研究に没頭できたもの…
Oh, [Summoner]. Tell me if you start feeling drowsy.
Why? Oh, I made you my test subject for a hex. It's supposed to make you nice and...cheery.
Usually I find white too blinding to look at, but your outfit is oddly bearable... Maybe we can chat again sometime.白い色は眩しくて、好きじゃないの…でも、貴方の纏う白は別…こうしてまた、話しかけてくれる…?
I was raised in a place where time flows differently. By this world's flow, I should technically still be an infant...私の育った場所は、時の流れる早さが普通の世界とは少し違ったの…本来なら私…まだ赤子同然なのよ……

친구 방문

I was entrusted with a greeting for you from [Friend].
I consider a message a type of spell... The type that can bind two hearts together.

레벨 업

Oh, this will come in handy...うふふ…当然の結果だわ…
How boring.私の力…まだまだこんなものじゃないわ…
I must be cursed.ちっ…何かの呪いなの…?


Hmm, good choice... You know me so well.貴方が望んだ力なら…悪くないわね…

5성 40레벨 달성

Heehee... You're talking with me again. I'm keeping a count of all the times we've spoken.
But the exact number is my little secret, of course...
It's been a while since I arrived in this world, and I'll be honest... It took some getting used to.
The sun is too bright, and everything is just so...pretty.
But ever since you started spending time with me, it feels like I've been cursed with...kindness.
Somehow, I've come to like this place.
That's why I'll fight alongside you to protect this world. Well, and because I'd like to keep watch over you...
That's all I wanted to say. Now I'll go back to waiting around until you come chat with me again—so don't be shy.
See you soon... Heehee...


Take that...ほら…
Like this?どう…?


I'll curse you...呪うわ…

오의 발동

Let's see what this does!呪われなさい…
Hope you like hell!あの世に行くがいいわ
You deserve it.いい気味よ…
You're still here?まだいたの…?


I won't forget this...この恨み…忘れないわ…


It must be fate that brought me here.ここに来たのも、運命ね…
My father is such a child...父さんはすごく子供っぽいの…
I was raised in a Deeprealm...but I'm also a member of the Wind Tribe.秘境育ちだけれど…私も風の部族なのよ…
Is there anybody here I can experiment on? Uh, I mean any FACELESS here. Right.ここには実験台…いえ、ノスフェラトゥはいないの…?
You...remind me of someone. Definitely.貴方を見ていると…誰かを思い出しそう…
I wish it were more comfortable around here. It's too bright, and too...dry.もっと暗くて陰湿な場所に呼ばれたかったわ…
I have an idea for a new hex. If you want, I'll make it for you. I'm not sure why, but I want to help you.新しいまじない、貴方のために考えてもいいわ…なんとなく…貴方に逆らえない…

아군 턴 터치

It's Rhajat.シャラよ…
My turn?行くのね…
All right...わかったわ…

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

You'll not awaken from this.永遠に眠って…
Scream a little. It helps.うなされるがいいわ…
Embrace the nightmare.悪夢を見なさい…
There is no repose.終わらないわよ…

패배 - 신장

Don't think this is over.終わったと…思わないことね…

상태창 - 신장

I've never had an eye for fashion. Do you think that this suits me?新しい衣装…どうかしら? 似合うかどうかわからないわ…
Sneak up on me again and you'll find yourself on the nasty end of a curse.きゃっ…!? …ふざけないで。呪うわよ…
I curse people with nightmares in my sleep.悪夢を見せるなんて、私のまじないでもできるわよ…
And now there are fairies? This place just keeps getting stranger and stranger…妖精が本当にいるなんて…この世界は不思議ね…
As the realm of nightmares, Dökkálfheimr is all gloom and doom. It's...perfect.黒妖精の国、スヴァルトアルフ…薄暗くて私にはぴったりだわ…
Father acts like such a child. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he actually believed in fairies... Before learning about álfar.父さんは子供っぽいから、まだ妖精を信じてるかもしれない…
I can craft you a hex to keep any nightmares at bay.あなたには、悪夢をみないまじないをかけておくわね…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Which way?どっちなの…
I'll put them to sleep.眠らせるわ

캐릭터 페이지로