백의 자모 레아/대사


I am Rhea, archbishop of the Church of Seiros. I wish to bring the light of hope to Fódlan and Askr alike.セイロス聖教会のレアと申します。大司教としてフォドラの大地のみならずアスクの地にも希望の光を招きましょう。

I'm sure it was my mother—excuse me, the goddess—who led me here.私がこの世界に来たのはきっとお母様の…いえ、女神のお導きがあったからこそ。
Being the archbishop sometimes requires me to judge rationally and speak firmly.大司教という地位にはときに冷徹な判断や厳格な言動が求められることがあるのです。
Do you find this crown overstated?
It has been passed down from archbishop to archbishop for generations in the Church of Seiros.
If there is something on your mind, do not hesitate to confide in me. I wish to be a pillar of support for you.悩みがあれば遠慮なく私に打ち明けてください。私は、あなたの支えになりたいのです。
Many gods and goddesses have come down from the heavens to Askr. I feel a strange sense of nostalgia here...アスクの地には、多くの神々が降臨しているのですね…。不思議と懐かしさを感じます。

친구 방문

I am Rhea, archbishop of the Church of Seiros. I am lending my aid to the castle of [Friend].私はセイロス聖教会の大司教、レア。[フレンド]の城で力添えをしております。

레벨 업

I must be steadfast in mind and body for the sake of my people.心身ともに、強くあらねばなりません。あとに続く者たちのためにも。
Reflect on your deeds so you may set yourself on the path to redemption.自らの行いを省みて、罪を償うのです。
Were my prayers not enough?祈りが足りなかったのでしょうか…。


Such altruism is noble, indeed. May this power aid us in bringing light to the world.大いなる慈悲に感謝を…。この力で世に光をもたらしましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, Summoner. Are you on patrol, at this time of night? Your dedication to our safety is inspiring.
I sense a certain quality in you... One might call it great potential, a power to shape the future.
This power you possess is what drew me and the other Heroes of Fódlan to this world.
It is your special gift, shared by none, that combines our disparate powers into one even greater force.
I shall support you. When darkness shrouds your path, do not hesitate to call upon me.
The teachings of Seiros shall lead you from peril into a future bathed in light and shaped by love and connection.





오의 발동

Stand before her!召されなさい
You have been judged.裁きを…!
In the name of the goddess.主の御名のもとに
Know your place.わきまえなさい


How can this be?何ということ…


I am called Rhea. I am the archbishop of the Church of Seiros.私はレア。セイロス聖教会の大司教を務めています。
No, you mustn't play such games.まあ…。いたずらはいけません。
Through the long history of Fódlan, an unending stream of those who threaten the peace flows.長い歴史の中で、フォドラの安寧を脅かす者は後を絶ちません。
You are doing quite well. I would advise you to be confident in your abilities.あなたはとてもよくやっていると思いますよ。自信を持つことです。
May the sinful be punished in equal measure to their deeds.罪深き者には、相応の報いを…
Mother... One day...お母様…いつか必ず……
Blessings of the goddess upon you.あなたに、主のご加護のあらんことを。

아군 턴 터치

What shall I do?どうします?
Let us proceed.進みましょう

캐릭터 페이지로