풍양의 마녀 레아/대사


I am Rhea, archbishop of the Church of Seiros. I come dressed as a witch to celebrate the harvest festival.私はセイロス聖教会の大司教、レア。この祭りでは収穫祭の魔女としてアスクの民と喜びを分かち合いましょう。

I quite like this costume...but Seteth would surely say it is lacking in decorum if he ever caught sight of it.この装束…私は気に入っているのですがセテスが見たらお小言を並び立てるかもしれませんね。
In Fódlan, the Horsebow Moon marks a time of harvest and savoring the many blessings of the goddess.フォドラにも、女神から賜る豊穣が大地を満たす、角弓の節と呼ばれる収穫の季節があります。
All who share in the harvest's bounty are welcome. Those who would spurn such gifts, however...
They must be educated accordingly.
I may be unfamiliar with trickery, but I shall do my best to live up to this costume. Now...how do witches act?イタズラは不慣れですが今は魔女の姿。役目を果たせるように振る舞わせていただきましょう。
It does the spirit good to see Heroes from so many worlds coming together to celebrate the harvest.
I am glad to count myself among them.

친구 방문

I have heard that you are a good friend to [Friend].
May the bounty of the goddess ever provide.

레벨 업

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful for this season's bounty.豊穣の季節に心からの感謝を。
It may be some time before I can succeed in playing a trick...イタズラというものはなかなかに難しいものですね…。
We must always help others in their darkest hour—for how else can we expect others to help us in kind?窮したときこそ支え合うことが大切なのです。


This bounty serves to illuminate the path forward.この実りこそが未来を照らす光となるでしょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

I was truly elated to receive an invitation to the harvest festival, [Summoner].
The people of Askr may not worship the goddess, but they give thanks for nature's bounty all the same.
Whether by the goddess's grace or our own hands, the harvest we reap ensures our continued prosperity.
It pleases me to see that this truth is alive and well even outside of Fódlan.
We must continue to guide others so that the smiles brought by this bounty never disappear.
Today was a valuable reminder of gratitude and joy that I shall treasure for many years to come.





오의 발동

Prepare to be tricked!悪戯しますよ
Trick or treat!トリックオアトリート
Be afraid!私を恐れなさい
Show me the treats.お菓子はどこです?


Is the festival...over?もう終わり…ですか…


I'm dressed as a witch. *chuckle* Would you like me to cast a spell on you?これは魔女の衣装です。ふふ…悪戯されたいですか?
You're as excitable as a child. How darling!まあ…。子供のようにはしゃいだりして、可愛い人。
This is a harvest festival, so let us begin by giving our thanks to the goddess.収穫祭なのですから、まず主の恵みに感謝しましょう。
I adore seeing everyone in their harvest festival costumes. They seem to be enjoying themselves.色とりどりの衣装が愛らしいこと。みな楽しそうですね。
Eating sweets can calm the spirit.甘いお菓子をいただくと、気持ちが穏やかになります。
What a lively festival... Hm. My mother would be pleased to see it.賑やかな祭り…お母様がさぞお喜びになるでしょう…
I wish to stroll the festival with you. Would you indulge me?あなたと祭りを見て回りたいのですが、よろしいでしょうか。

아군 턴 터치

Of course.わかりました
Feeling festive!祭りですね

캐릭터 페이지로