온화한 햇빛 킬로이/대사


I am Rhys. I may appear frail, but I'm one of the Greil Mercenaries. I heard we'll be fighting on the beach?僕はキルロイ。こう見えて、僕もグレイル傭兵団の一員なんです。今回の任務は海で行うのですか?

Just look how those waves sparkle. If only my parents were here to enjoy this beautiful scenery.綺麗な海ですね…僕の両親にも見せてあげたいです。きっと喜んでくれることでしょう。
If I were sunburned, I'd be out of commission for a while, so I'm taking all the necessary precautions.僕は身体があまり強くないので日差しにやられてしまわないよう気をつけます…
Take care you don't get too much sun exposure. Wouldn't want to wake up tomorrow with a nasty sunburn.[召喚師]日焼けには気をつけてくださいね。焼き過ぎは身体によくありませんから。
To be honest, I've never worn a swimsuit before. Am I doing it right?水着になるのははじめてで…[召喚師]どこかおかしなところはないでしょうか?
Though sunlight is dangerous in excess, in moderation, it can palliate certain mental and physical ailments.僕は病気は治せませんが…夏の太陽の力強い日差しは病気にも効果がありそうですね。

친구 방문

Excuse me. My name is Rhys. I'm just checking in on you, like your friend [Friend] asked me to.
How are you feeling? Drinking lots of water to prevent heat stroke, I trust?

레벨 업

Splendid! The temperate weather must be doing me some good.良い結果が出たようです。これも夏の恵みですね。
Maybe if I push myself, I can swim a bit farther next time.もう少し遠くまで泳げそうかな。
I'm feeling woozy... Perhaps I need to lie in the shade for a while.すみません…夏の日差しですこし立ちくらみが…


Thank you. I'll always treasure this sweet summer memory.ありがとうございます。いい夏の思い出ができました。

5성 40레벨 달성

I can't thank you enough for taking me on this splendid outing to the oceanside.
The Greil Mercenaries were often ambushed at ports and beaches, so I was a little nervous at first.
But as it happens, the fresh air and sunshine have done my fragile constitution some good.
I wish everyone could be so lucky as to experience a refreshing day at the beach.
Maybe someday, if I can help you restore peace to this land, that wish will come true.





오의 발동

This is the end!ここまでです
Drown, why don't you!溺れてもらいます
The waves are high!波が高いですね
Enjoy the sun.夏を楽しみましょう


I feel seasick...あ…眩暈が…


Are you hot?暑くありませんか?
Take care out there!気をつけて
The sun can be hard on your body. Stick to the shade and drink lots of water!日焼けは体によくありません。対策はしていますか?
If my parents could see me healthy and having fun at the beach, they'd be so happy.僕が海で遊べるくらい元気だと知ったら、故郷の両親も喜びます。
Shouldn't we take a break soon? I don't want anyone worried about me.そろそろ休憩しましょうか。みんなが心配するんです。
*breathing heavily* No, don't worry. I'm OK. I'm a little hot, but I'm ready to go!はぁ…ああ、すみません。大丈夫です。暑くて参りますね。
The reason the beach is so much fun is because we get to enjoy it together.こんなに海が楽しいのは、あなたと一緒だからでしょうか。

아군 턴 터치

Let's go!わかりました
What to do now...どうしましょう…
Me too!僕も行きます

캐릭터 페이지로