경박한 괴도 리카드/대사


The name's Rickard! Julian asked me to help out with the Thieves' Masque. You can count on me!おいらはリカード。ジュリアンのアニキに怪盗の祭りを手伝えって頼まれたんでね。力を貸すョ!

Julian's put thievery behind him, but don't let me hear you say he's lost his edge. No way.ジュリアンのアニキはもう盗賊稼業から足を洗ってしまったけど…腕は衰えてないと思うんだよなあ。
I was thinking about quitting thieving and joining up with the chief. There's more than one way to get gold!本当はおいらも盗賊をやめたあとアニキと一緒にまっとうに働いてしこたま儲けるつもりだったんだよ。
Always seemed to me that all these royals and knights were nasty bits of work. Besides Marth 'n Kris, I mean.王族や騎士なんていけ好かない連中と思ってたけどね。マルスさまやクリスさんは別だよ。
One of them fancy-lookin' thieves was eyeing me and Julian. What's that all about?さっき二人組の怪盗の片割れがじーっと、おいらとジュリアンのアニキを見てたんだよね。なーんか気になるなぁ。
There must be PLENTY of treasure just lyin' around in this castle. Don't think anybody'd miss a tiny bit...この城にも結構なお宝がたくさん眠ってそうじゃないの。少しばかり頂戴してもいいんじゃない?

친구 방문

Name's Rickard. I'm a big-time thief—at least for now—over at [Friend]'s castle!おいらはリカード。怪盗役として[フレンド]の城のお祭りを盛り上げてるのさ!

레벨 업

I'm gonna do my best today— Julian's watching!ジュリアンのアニキ!おいら、今日も頑張ってますョ!
I'm a damn sight better than this! I could do this in my sleep!へへっ、おいらは手先が器用だからね。これくらい朝飯前さ。
Are you kiddin' me?! Just like with the chief, I put myself out there and got nothin' to show for it...おいらとジュリアンのアニキの愛ってそんなものだったの…って、冗談冗談。


You're giving this to me? Big shot, ain't ya? Heh.こいつをおいらに?へへっ、あんた気前がいいなあ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Askr's a funny place, ain't it? Who'd stage a festival for thieves?
It isn't usually a job you shout about. "Hey! I'm a thief!" Nah. Like Julian said, you can't hold your head high.
But if I can play the role of a big-time thief and make the festival more fun, then maybe being a thief is worth it!
'Course, Julian ain't a thief anymore, so I have to work twice as hard to make things lively!
I'll show you what a big-time thief can do! Keep your eyes peeled, Chief!





오의 발동

Nowhere to hide!隠しても無駄だぜ
Time to get rich!シコタマ儲ける!
I'm with you, Julian.お慕いしてますョ
Ooo! Looks nice.良いもん見っけ!


Got caught...や…やっちまった……


I'm Rickard, a small-time thief. But it seems like you have something big in mind…おいらはリカード。ケチな盗賊でね。あ、今日は怪盗か。
*startled reaction* Oh, it's you! I thought I got nabbed.うひゃっ!? な、なんだよ。捕まえに来たかと思った…
Moving quietly, picking locks... Julian taught me everything I know.忍び足に鍵開け…ジュリアンの兄貴に教わったッス。
If I'm a big-time thief now, does that mean I can steal as much as I want? Oh, nice!怪盗って、好きなだけ盗んでいいってこと? やったー!
Chief... Throwing me away like that was just too cruel.兄貴、おいらを捨てるなんてひどすぎるよ。
I wonder if any treasure is lying around here... Time for a look-see!どっかにお宝おっこちてないかな~
It's settled! I'll lend you a hand. But I'll take a cut of the loot as payment!あんたのお力になりましょう。そのかわり、分け前よろしくね。

아군 턴 터치

Message received.わかりやんした
I'm going too!お供します

캐릭터 페이지로