혈벽석 아브/대사


Heh heh heh... You desire my power? You had best be prepared to pay the price...ふぇふぇふぇ……わしの力を借りると、高うつくぞ……

Heh heh heh...ふぇふぇふぇ……
I, the Demon King's faithful servant, bask in his radiant power! I shall take revenge on those who scorned me!わしはあのお方の側近として力をふるい世の人間どもに復讐してやるのじゃ!ふぇふぇふぇ……
Heh heh heh... You keep watch even at this time of night? Such a diligent summoner you are.ふぇふぇふぇ…こんな夜ふけまで見張りとはご苦労なことよのう……
Gaze deeply into this azure jewel. Do you not wish to become lost in its cerulean depths? Heh heh heh...ほれ……この宝玉を見るがよい。青い……碧い…そうじゃ…この深紺の底を見たくはないか……?
My work is far from done. I must not rest until darkness has snuffed out every ray of light...まだじゃ…まだ何も終わっておらぬ……この世に光ある限り、闇もまた……

친구 방문

Heh heh heh. You're the summoner? Very well. Accept this small token.ふぇふぇふぇ…お前が[召喚師]か。これをくれてやろう。

레벨 업

Heh heh heh... Humans will never conquer darkness. Drown in a never-ending night!生ける者すべて……深い闇の前には消えゆく定め。ふぇふぇふぇ…ふぇふぇふぇふぇふぇ!
Can't you see what the night is hiding? No... The power of true fear is not yours to fathom.闇に何が潜んでおるのか……真の恐怖というもの、その力……貴様らにはわかるまい。


I will drown all in unending agony! Heh heh heh... Heh heh heh heh!ふぇふぇふぇ……よかろう。近づく者すべて腐泥の中に沈めてくれるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Heh heh heh. I am one of Grado's six great generals. I have come to be known as the Blood Beryl...
A name that grants me freedom to travel the empire unhindered. What a wonderful benefit for my master.
Humans...are but beasts, living only to sate their wretched desires. Don't you agree, [Summoner]?
Humanity must return to the void... Yet the unenlightened cannot help but struggle against such a fate.
Follow me and see what it means to transcend all others in this world. Heh heh heh!





오의 발동

I'm over here.わしはこっちじゃぞ
Cower in fear!熱くなってしまったわい
Drown in the mud!腐泥に沈め!


You're too late to stop it...もはや…止められぬぞ…


Heh heh heh...ふぇふぇふぇ…
I am Riev. Riev the Blood Beryl. Heh heh heh...わしはアーヴ。【血碧石】のアーヴじゃ。ふぇふぇふぇ…
Hm? Do not bother me with foolishness. I am too busy...ん? くだらぬ戯れをするでない。わしは忙しいのでな…
Humans will never conquer darkness. Drown in a never-ending night.人は闇にはかなわぬもの。深い闇の前には消えゆく定めよ。
I, the Demon King's faithful servant, will bask in his radiant power.わしを認めようとしなかった世の人間どもに復讐してやるのじゃ!
He believes that thing is his wife... Aren't people amusing?オルソンめ、あれが妻とは…まったく人とは面白いものじゃな?
Mansel... You should never have excommunicated me. The Demon King will be your new master!マンセルめ…かつてわしを破門したこと、魔王様の前で呪うがよいぞ…!
Leave everything to your humble servant, Riev. Heh heh heh...このアーヴめにすべてお任せあれ。ふぇふぇふぇ…

아군 턴 터치

Very well...よかろう
Good. Very good.結構結構
As you will.お任せくだされ

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