먹어 치우는 맹화 린카/대사
I am Rinkah, of the Flame Tribe. We hold the festival of flames to show our strength, and this is no exception. | あたしはリンカ。炎の祭りは炎の部族に伝わる力比べの祭りだ。力と力、真っ向勝負でぶつかりあうぞ! |
I couldn't ask for better opponents... Múspell's passion, Lyn's technique, Mordecai's strength... Even Tana and Peony have impressed me! | 祭りの参加者、見どころがあるな!気迫のムスペル、力のモゥディ技のリン…ターナとピアニーも侮れない。 |
Kagero and I practice our sumo skills all the time. The only downside is the crowd that always seems to gather... | カゲロウとは、いつも相撲を取り合う間柄なんだ。取りはじめるといつのまにか見物人が増えていたな… |
Don't forget to visit the festival's food stalls. Your muscles need fuel to be at their best, so eat up! | 祭りといえば屋台も見逃せないな。たらふく食って力をつけていつでも全力を出せるようにしておけ。 |
You up for a match? I always have time to practice, so long as you come at me with everything you have! | [召喚師]あたしが稽古をつけてやろう。遠慮するな、思いっきりぶつかってこい。 |
To think we could host the festival of flames right here in Askr... I'm going to do everything in my power to make it a rousing success! | まさかアスク王国で炎の祭りを開けるとは!力の限り、盛り上げさせてもらうぞ。 |
친구 방문
You're [Summoner], right? You should stop by the festival of flames we're holding over at [Friend]'s castle. | [召喚師]だな。[フレンド]の城で炎の祭りをやっている。お前も来るか? |
레벨 업
I won't let anyone tarnish the spirit of the Flame Tribe—not now, not ever! | 炎の部族の誇りには傷ひとつ付けさせない! |
Good. I'm ready for the next round! | よし、もう一丁こいっ! |
Rrgh... It seems my footing needs work... | くっ! 踏ん張りが足りなかったか… |
Thank you. I look forward to honing my skills with this. | ありがたい。いい稽古になりそうだ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
The Flame Tribe has traditionally kept outsiders at arm's length. I've found making friends to be...arduous. But if they are simply competitors, I'll take on as many as I can without a second thought. After all, if I only ever trained on my own, how could I check how much progress I was making? Yet, there is also the thrill of facing a powerful opponent and knowing victory will take everything you have. Needless to say, I like to test myself against others, since it benefits both me and my opponent. All right, that's enough of chatter. Daylight's burning, and we still need to train until our muscles ache! | 本来、炎の部族は孤高を重んじる気質だ。あたしも馴れ合うのは性に合わない。 しかし、力を高め合える存在ならばまわりに何人いても構わない。この祭りのようにな。 一人で修行を続けたところでどれほど自分が成長したのかを測るすべは乏しい。 だが、力をぶつけることができる好敵手がいれば話は別だ。 互いが互いの力を認め合い切磋琢磨していく…この流れを、あたしは気にいっている。 さあ、まだまだ祭りは終わらない。筋肉が悲鳴をあげるまで勝負を続けるぞ! |
- | おらっ |
- | どっせい! |
- | うぐっ… |
- | こっの…! |
오의 발동
You won't outmuscle me! | 力なら負けない! |
I'll take you down! | 投げ飛ばしてやる! |
Over so soon? | その程度か? |
Isn't this exciting?! | 武者震いするぞ! |
Hit the dirt… | あんた…強いな…… |
- | へへっ |
I am Rinkah, and I won't be bested in sumo. | あたしはリンカ。相撲なら誰にも負ける気はしない。 |
Hands off! No shoving until we're in the ring! | うわっ!? 土俵の外で不意打ちなんて卑怯だぞ! |
Sumo is a time-honored test of mettle for members of the Flame Tribe. | 相撲は炎の部族に伝わる由緒正しい闘技なんだぞ。 |
In sumo, it's important to dress lightly so your opponent has less to grab on to. Remember that. | 正々堂々と勝負するために薄着になるんだ。お前も脱ぐか? |
Your grip is too loose! This may be practice, but you'll never win unless you give it your all. | …ほら! もっとがっつり組んでくれないと特訓にならないだろう! |
The spirit of the Flame Tribe is always with me, no matter where I go. | どこにいたって、炎の部族の誇りを忘れたことはない。 |
Thank you for practicing with me. When I win the tournament, we can split the earnings! | 大会で優勝したら、賞品はお前と山分けだな! |
아군 턴 터치
Square up! | ああ |
Step to it! | 早くしろ |
This one's mine. | やってやる! |