불꽃의 딸 린카/대사


I am Rinkah, of the Flame Tribe. I'll fight for you, and I'll keep my word, but don't expect any more than that.あたしはリンカ。炎の部族の戦士だ。お前たちと馴れ合うつもりはない。盟約に従い、戦い抜くまでだ。

Don't expect me to bow to royalty. The Flame Tribe only gives respect to those who earn it.相手が王族だろうが、媚びを売る気はない。あたしは炎の部族の一人として誇りを忘れず、戦い抜く。
No matter how far I journey from home, I am never lonely. My tribe is always with me in spirit.遠く離れた地にいても寂しさを感じることはない。部族の皆とは心で繫がっているのだ。
Are those...sweets? Who told you I... Fine. I will take them off your hands, but just this once.なに…? お菓子が余っているだと?しょ、しょうがないなあたしがもらってやろう…
You ever tried sumo? It's the ideal test of strength. Let's go for a round, [Summoner]. Come on!力をつけるなら相撲の稽古が一番だ。[召喚師]も遠慮なくかかってくるがいい。
The marks on my face? These are traditional Flame Tribe tattoos. They are meant to ward off evil.あたしの顔の刺青は魔除けの印だ。邪な存在を避けるために炎の部族は赤い模様を入れるんだ。

친구 방문

I am Rinkah, of the Flame Tribe. [Friend] sent me, but I need no formal welcome.あたしは炎の部族のリンカ。[フレンド]から挨拶を届けにきた。歓迎は無用だ。

레벨 업

The spirit of the Flame Tribe guides me to greater and greater heights!あたしは強くなる!炎の部族の誇りを胸に!
Good, but not enough. I need more!この程度で満足はしない…!もっと熱くなるんだ!
Ugh. I've let my hunger get the best of me. What a disgrace...くっ、腹が減って力が出ないなんて戦士の名折れだ…!


I try to avoid involving myself too much with people, but...thanks.馴れ合うつもりはないが…一応、礼を言う。

5성 40레벨 달성

My portion at dinner was twice what it usually is, for some reason. Was that you, [Summoner]?
Well, you don't need to butter me up. I get along just fine on what everyone else around here eats.
If giving me a bigger meal than even Alfonse and Sharena was some kind of ploy to get me in your debt...
Well, it didn't work. Totally failed. In fact, I didn't even notice. Ugh, fine, obviously I noticed...
Look, if there's something you want, you don't have to do all that for me. Just ask next time, OK?





오의 발동

My flame won't flicker!腕が鳴るぞ
You're done!焼き尽くしてやる
A flame burns within me!灰になれ!
Can't take the heat?熱いのは好きか?


Snuffed out…炎は…消えない…!


I am Rinkah, daughter of the Flame Tribe's honorable chieftain.あたしはリンカ。炎の部族の族長の娘だ。
Hands off.な、な、何をする?! なれなれしく触るな!
I've got fire in my veins. Cut me, and you'll get burned.あたしには炎の血が流れてるんだ。気安く触れたら火傷するぞ?
I owe Corrin for saving my life. Until that debt is paid, I won't stand idle.カムイには助けられた恩があってね。ほおっておけないんだ。
Why is everyone so delicate about eating? Utensils only get in the way.この国でも、食事には道具を使うのか? …そうか……
The Flame Tribe prides itself on its independence. We rely on outsiders for nothing.あたしは誇り高い炎の部族だ。よそ者と慣れあうことなど……
I've grown a lot, thanks to you. Let's stick together a while longer, OK?あんたとの出会いはあたしを成長させてくれた。これからもよろしく頼む。

아군 턴 터치

Let me at 'em.そうか
Don't mess this up.ふん…
I'm on fire.燃やしてやる!

캐릭터 페이지로