성왕과 함께 있는 자 루플레/대사


I'm Robin, tactician to Exalt Chrom— and I hope I'll actually be as useful to you as that makes me sound.聖王クロムの軍師、ルフレ。僕を頼ってくれてうれしいよ。期待に添えるよう、献策させてもらうよ。

Chrom entrusted me with this—the blade of an exalt's tactician. It's a symbol of my position and our bond.この剣は、聖王の軍師の剣。クロムから預かった大切なもの。僕たちの絆を象徴する一振りなんだ。
I don't remember a thing from before I met Chrom, but I have a wealth of fond memories with my friends now.クロムに出会う前の記憶はないけれど今の僕には仲間との大切な思い出がたくさんあるんだ。
It isn't naive to have hope for a world without conflict. The Order of Heroes is motivated by exactly that.争いのない世界は、幻なんかじゃない。特務機関のみんなもそう信じているから戦えると思うんだ。
Our bonds transcend hardship. Even if the future is full of despair, their strength will endure.未来に絶望が待っていたとしても僕たちには困難を乗り越える絆がある。色褪せない、力がね。
I've heard incredible things about the Greil Mercenaries' tactician, Soren. I'm glad he's on our side...グレイル傭兵団のセネリオ…彼の慧眼は見るべきものがあるね。彼が味方で本当によかったよ。

친구 방문

Hi there. I hope you can make good use of these supplies—I brought them from [Friend]'s castle.やあ、[召喚師]。[フレンド]からの補給物資だよ。役立ててほしい。

레벨 업

The future can be changed. I believe in those words with all my heart.運命は変えられる。その言葉、僕も信じているよ。
Somehow we made it through. Well, let's not take it for granted—focus up as we move ahead.今回はなんとかなったけど次もそうとは限らない。気を引き締めていこう。
I can't afford to get down on myself. The battle isn't over. Let's just try a different tack next time.落ち込んでいる暇はないね。戦いはこれからも続く…切り替えていこう。


Thank you for trusting me with this. Now it's up to me to prove you made the right choice.ありがとう。君のこの采配が正しかったことを証明しないとね。

5성 40레벨 달성

The Shepherds' fight to protect Ylisse started small, but eventually it engulfed the entire continent.
And now I find myself taking part in an even bigger struggle—one that involves Heroes from many worlds.
However the scale of our battles may change, there is one thing that will always remain constant for me.
I will always carry hope for a peaceful world—the same hope Chrom's eyes held on the day he and I met.
As long as that hope is alive, we will never give up the fight. We will never surrender to despair.
I promise you this: if you'll share in that hope with me, then I'll guide you on a path to a brighter future.





오의 발동

A flawless strategy!完璧な策だ
Everyone plays their part!みんながついてる!
Victory, now and forever!もう負けはない!
An obvious ploy!手の内が見えるよ


I failed them...不甲斐ないな…


This is the outfit of the exalt's—erm, Chrom's—personal tactician. Does it look as impressive as it feels?これは聖王…クロムの参謀の衣装なんだ。立派に見える?
*startle* Oh. You were fixing my hair? Uh, thanks.わっ…! ああ、髪が乱れていたのかい? ありがとう。
Nobody goes along with the plans of a tactician they don't trust. Right?自信のない参謀の策になんか、みんな従わないよね。
I've come this far thanks to not only my successes, but also my setbacks.勝利も敗北もたくさん経験して、今の僕があると思ってるよ。
I could have sworn I heard a chorus of voices calling my name...たくさんの人の声が聞こえた気がしたんだ。僕を呼んでいる…
Someday, I will devise a strategy to free this world from conflict once and for all.この世界から争いを失くす策…いつか必ず考えてみせる。
I can't imagine doing any of this without you, and, well...I hope you feel the same.僕に君が必要なように、君に必要とされる僕でありたい。

아군 턴 터치

A worthy plan.承知した
Let me think...どっちかな…
Here we go.この手でいこう

캐릭터 페이지로