성왕의 심복 루플레/대사


I am Robin, tactician to Exalt Chrom. My studies here in this land are dedicated to Ylisse's future.聖王クロムの半身、ルフレです。イーリス聖王国の未来のためにこの地で学ばせていただきます。

I must continue growing if I'm going to stand beside Chrom. It will take a lot of work, but I'm ready for it.クロムさんの傍に立つためには私も成長し続けなくてはいけません。そのための努力は惜しみませんから!
I had no past to speak of, but Chrom taught me that was OK because I have a future of infinite possibilities.私には一切の過去がありませんでした。でも、クロムさんが教えてくれたのです。代わりに無限の未来があると。
I have learned much here in Askr, but there is still more of value to be gained.アスク王国で手にした知識はどれも貴重なものばかり。まだまだ学ぶべきことが多いです。
Oh, this? It's a tome that records strategies from many other worlds.これですか?これはさまざまな異界の策が記された貴重な書物なんです。
I thought a magnificent outfit might help to display the majesty of a strategist. What do you think?立派な装束を身にまとえば少しは軍師としての威厳が出るかと思いましたが…どうでしょう?

친구 방문

I am Robin, tactician of the Halidom of Ylisse. I come bearing supplies from [Friend].イーリス聖王国の軍師、ルフレです。[フレンド]さんより支援物資を預かってきました。

레벨 업

With this power, I will build the future that Chrom envisions.クロムさんが思い描く未来をこの力で築いてみせます。
Exactly as I expected!読み通りでしたね!
I shall use these results to learn more and reach my next goal.この結果は次の飛躍に繋げてみせます。


With this, I'll be even more capable of aiding Chrom! I'm sure of it!たしかな手応えを感じます。これでもっとクロムさんの力になれます!

5성 40레벨 달성

Are you on patrol at this hour? Good work, [Summoner].
I was busy reading magical tomes at the library, myself. The collection of books they possess is overwhelming!
I have gotten to know many tacticians from a number of different worlds since I was summoned to Askr.
I am internalizing all of the knowledge and wisdom I receive from them and will use it to help build the future.
Chrom fights with his sword. I rely on my knowledge. Different weapons, but the future we seek is the same.
I will continue to stand beside Chrom because I believe in the tomorrow our bond will build!





오의 발동

You won't get past me!ここは通しません!
Just as I planned.読みが当たりました
I'll protect the exalt!聖王を守ります
For peace!平和な世界を…!


Chrom... Forgive me...ごめんなさい…クロムさん…


Such fine clothes. I-I couldn't... Though I suppose they're necessary if I'm to stand next to the exalt.こんな立派な衣装…いえ、聖王の隣に立つには必要ですね。
Huh? Am I wearing this wrong? I-I'm not accustomed to wearing anything like this...きゃあっ!? どこか変でしたか? まだ気慣れないもので…
I should not be content with my current position. I'll continue to work even harder.立場に甘んじず、より一層精進しなければなりませんね。
Right here, right now, with everyone together—that's what's important. Not the past.失った過去の記憶より、みんなといられる今が大切なんです。
I've learned so much, fighting with the Order of Heroes. I'm forever grateful.特務機関での戦いはすごく学ぶことが多くて…感謝しかありません。
I feel as though I should stand a little bit taller while wearing these clothes.うーん…、もっと貫禄…みたいなものも身につけたいですね…
For you, I'll come up with a hundred—no, two hundred plans!あなたの為なら、百でも二百でも策を考えますよ!

아군 턴 터치

With grace.承知しました
I plan for these things.悩みどころです
Good strategy!いい策です!

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