약속의 그릇 루플레/대사


H-hi. I'm...Robin. Who are all of you?こ、こんにちは。僕は…僕の名前は、ルフレ……あなたたちは一体……?

Oh, I need to keep my right hand hidden. Mother said so, after all!あ……右手は隠しておかなくちゃ。母さんの言いつけだもの。
Mother is a kind person. She doesn't mention the past much... Only that Father was a strict man.母さんは優しい人だよ。父さんのことは、厳しい人だったと……昔のことはあまり話してくれないんだ。
Ahh... A lively place I have no memories of. I could get used to this!こんなに賑やかなところ、縁がなくて…すこしはしゃいでしまっているかも。
Mother always said we'd live out our days in peace... In a place where no one knows us.私たちは誰にも知られず、静かに生きる…それが母さんの口癖だったんだ。
Thanks for worrying about me, [Summoner].[召喚師]。心配してくれてありがとう。

친구 방문

"I hope we can stay good friends." Yes, that's it. I did it! Oh wait... "From [Friend]."[フレンド]がこれからもよろしくねって……よし、ちゃんと伝えた。

레벨 업

What's going on... My right hand's throbbing!何だ、これ……右手がうずく……!
That's about all I got for now...今はこうすることしか、できないんだ……
*sigh* There's no point in bringing me along any further.僕のことを気にしても、いいことなんてないから。放っておいてよ。


I'm not sure why, but this feels... familiar.そうだ……この感覚、なぜか知っている気がする。

5성 40레벨 달성

You aren't from this world either? Hmm... Just like me...
Then why are you here? Where did you come from? Did you come alone, [Summoner]?
Oh, sorry... I didn't mean to blurt out so many questions. Truth is, I have these same questions about myself.
I thought I might have been brought here because of what's on my hand— Oh, wait. I better keep that to myself.
I feel a sort of bond with you, like I know you... If I stick around, will you promise to teach me lots?! Hehe.





오의 발동

I'll give it a try!やってみるよ
Let's see how this goes!これでどうかな?
No way I'll lose!負けないよ!
All I want is to help!役に立ちたいんだ


Not good enough...やっぱり…だめかあ…


My name is Robin. I hope we can get along.僕の名前はルフレだよ。仲良くしてくれるとうれしいな。
*chuckle* You surprised me. What a prankster!わあっ!? びっくりしたなあ。君っておもしろいね。
I really like reading. What about you?僕は本を読むのが好きなんだけど、君も好き?
There are a lot of other kids my age here! Maybe I can make some friends.同じ年くらいの子がたくさん…! 友達になれるかなあ。
I feel like I have a lot to learn about the world. Will you teach me?僕、あんまり世の中の事を知らないんだ。教えてくれる?
I haven't thought too much about the future... But I hope I can help people.将来の夢なんて考えたことないけど…みんなの役に立ちたいな。
You know...I hope that I can be like you one day. When I'm older.大きくなったら、君みたいになれたらいいなあって思うよ。

아군 턴 터치

What should I do?どうするの?
All right!よーし!

캐릭터 페이지로