절망으로 인도하는 자 루플레/대사


This "Robin" is merely a vessel. When your world is laid waste, you will rue my true name: Grima, the Fell Dragon.ルフレという名はあくまで器の名前。あまたの世界に終焉をもたらすもの。邪竜ギムレー、それが私の真の名前。

This arcane mark on my hand is now a part of me. Perhaps this is what despair made manifest looks like...この魔器、実に私の手に馴染みます。絶望が実体を持つとしたらこのような形になるのでしょうね。
The future of this world is drenched in despair. It is only natural that all vanity would return to nothingness.絶望に彩られた地平こそが本来あるべき世界の姿です。すべての虚飾は無に帰して当然です。
You would do well to remember your place. The moment I tire of you may well be your last.軽々しく私の前に立たないでください。あなたを目障りと感じた瞬間私はなにをするかわかりませんよ?
If you wish someone destroyed, do not hesitate. Swallow your sorrow and end their miserable existence.滅ぼしたい相手がいるのなら躊躇する必要はありませんよ。根絶やしにして憂いを断つべきです。
Do you know what the most powerful weapon is? One that deadens hearts and smothers all hope?
It is fear, and it cuts far deeper than any blade.

친구 방문

I am Robin, vessel of the Fell Dragon. Speak carefully. The fate of your friend rests in the palm of my hand.私の名前はルフレ。邪竜の現し身。[フレンド]とあなたの命運は私の手のひらの上。

레벨 업

Allow me to fulfill your destiny. I will eradicate you from this world so that not a single trace remains.滅びの運命を与えてあげましょう。この世にチリひとつ残らぬように。
The only response to a worm is to squash it. They do not deserve even a single drop of sentimentality.虫けらは踏み潰すだけです。そこになんの感傷もありませんよ。
This is...slightly unpleasant.少し不愉快ですね…。


Give all unto the Fell Dragon. That is your one and only choice.邪竜にすべてを捧げなさい。それ以外の選択肢はありません。

5성 40레벨 달성

Why was I given this power? To what end will I use it? You need not concern yourself with such matters.
After all, a worm like you is only capable of the most instinctual of reactions: fear. It is inevitable.
In the face of absolute power, what could you feel in the depths of your heart but total helplessness?
Did you consider this might happen when summoning me? Or did you hope that I would simply submit?
Let me be clear: you have no hope of controlling me. And yet, all is not lost for you. Not yet.
Vow to support my cause, and I may allow you to harness my strength. The choice is yours...





오의 발동

Forfeit your life.無駄な足掻きです
Your arrogance ends here.思い上がりを…
I will tear you to shreds.食いちぎってあげます




Now that this new power is mine, none in this land can stand against me.新たな力を得た私に敵う者など、この地上にはいないでしょう。
Hm?! Shall I teach you the meaning of fear?…っ!? あなたは恐れるということを知らないんですか?
I fear no human. After all, do you fear the worms beneath your feet?私にとっては人間など虫けらも同然。恐れるに足らぬ存在です。
These clothes are tasteful. I like them.なかなか趣味のいい衣装ですね。気に入りました。
Devote yourself to me entirely. Only then will I consider lending you my power.私のために尽くすというのなら、あなたにこの力を貸しましょう。
It matters not how much power I obtain... This emptiness in my heart will not be filled.この胸の空洞は、いくら力を得ても埋まらないのでしょうか…
You still smile at me... Utterly incorrigible.いまだに私に微笑みかける…あなたは度し難い存在ですね。

아군 턴 터치

Where is my prey?獲物はどこです?
Insects to be crushed...潰してやります

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