기략종횡의 신랑 루플레/대사


I'm Robin, a tactician of Ylisse. I know I'm to play the role of groom, but... Who am I supposed to be marrying?僕はイーリスの軍師ルフレ。今回の祭りの花婿役を仰せつかったよ。さて、どうしたものか……一緒に考えよう!

I hope I'll be able to play my role convincingly. I must admit, even just wearing the outfit makes me nervous.僕に花婿役なんてつとまるかな?こうしているだけで、照れくさいんだ。
What does marriage mean to you? To me, it represents becoming family with someone you love.結婚の意味を考えてみたことはある?愛する相手と婚姻し、血族となって一生を共にすることの意味をさ。
Where was it I read that governing a family is just as much trouble as managing an entire kingdom? Hmm...王国を統治するより、家庭を保つほうが余程難しい――誰の言葉だったかな。
What kind of person do you want to be with? Maybe it's unfair of me to ask—I'm not sure of my own answer.どんな人と一緒になりたいか?僕にそれを語る資格があるのかどうか……
Chrom's wedding was magnificent. I'll carry the memory of the happy couple's joy for the rest of my life.クロムの結婚式?それはそれは盛大で、素晴らしかったよ。皆が心から二人を祝福していた。

친구 방문

Hello, I'm Robin. I bring you tidings from—wait, I'm still dressed for a wedding, aren't I? Well, too late now.こんにちは、僕はルフレ。この格好は……あっ、いけない。花婿の衣装そのままで来ちゃった。

레벨 업

That went well! I hope my wedding vows will be as joyous an occasion.何だろう、おめでとう!こんな気分で愛を誓ったらきっと素敵だろうね!
Weddings and battles have a lot in common. Each requires careful planning to avoid it all going wrong.行動は予定を立てて計画的に……戦場でも、結婚でもきっと同じことだよ。偶発的な事故は避けたいね。
These clothes represent something important. I shouldn't sully them with this kind of performance...おっと……?慌てない、慌てない。大切な衣装を大事にしないとね。


Oh, wow. Someone's getting into the spirit of the reception!盛り上がってきたね。

5성 40레벨 달성

I know this is the idea, but seeing all these lovely people in wedding attire makes me think of getting married.
Maybe Askr will be where I find the one to spend my life with. What do you think, [Summoner]?
Ah, that's right. You did mention that you aren't originally from here either. I guess we have that in common.
There must be people from your homeland you miss. Loved ones you feel lonely to be without...
Sorry—I don't mean to pry, or bring down the mood. Still, it won't do for you to be lonely at a festival like this.
Well, as long as I'm here, I promise you won't be. Here, take my hand. Let's go enjoy the festivities together.





오의 발동

Take my hand.さあ、手をとって
I pledge my love!愛を誓うよ
Together forever.いつまでも一緒に…
Rely on me.君を守るよ


Looking bad…かっこ…悪いな…


I know it's only for fun, but dressing up like a groom still gives me butterflies in my stomach.僕が花婿なんて、ちょっと照れくさいな。
*start* Hey, don't do that! I'm nervous enough as it is!わっ…!? やめてくれよ。ただでさえ緊張してるのに。
There's no greater joy than spending your days with the one you love.愛する人とずっと一緒にいられたら、こんなに幸せなことはないよね。
Hah! You should have seen Chrom's wedding.クロムの結婚式は、それは盛大で素晴らしかったよ。
The brides' dresses are like flowers in bloom. Everyone looks incredible!花嫁のドレスが花みたいで、みんな奇麗だなあ…
I'd like to find someone to spend the rest of my life with.…僕も、誰かと共に一生を過ごせたらと思うよ。
You have so many people close to you. I must say, I envy them.君に心から愛される人がうらやましいよ。

아군 턴 터치

Let's be off.そうだね
Shall we?いこうか

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