비밀이 많은 군사 루플레/대사


My name is Robin, the tactician for Chrom's Shepherds. I'm sure you'll find me useful on the battlefield.私はルフレ。クロムさんの自警団で軍師をしています。戦力としてもお役に立ってみせますよ。

I don't feel any different here than back home, so what makes me a Hero in this world?英雄なんて呼ばれて不思議な気分です…私は私で、何も変わっていないのに。でも、また皆と戦えるのは素敵ですね。
Chrom once found me unconscious and with no memory. He helped me, and I joined the Shepherds.私は以前、道端で行き倒れていたんです。それをクロムさんたちが助けてくれて…クロム自警団に仲間入りしたんですよ。
I admire your diligence. The way you're always running around reminds me of myself.見回りですか? お疲れ様です。そうやって忙しく走り回る姿…まるで、自警団に入った頃の私のようです。
I've got a plan, but I don't know how it'll work in this world. We should be sure to discuss it at length.うーん…策を考えてみましたが果たしてこれは英雄に有効なのでしょうか。良ければ一緒に考えてくれませんか?
The library is fantastic! So many wonderful books. Hmm. I probably should get permission to go there.特務機関の書庫って、いいですね。本がたくさんあって素敵です。…勝手に入っちゃダメでした?

친구 방문

Nice to meet you. I'm Robin.
I was asked to come say hello by your good friend [Friend].

레벨 업

Even I couldn't have seen this coming!こうなることまでは読めませんでした…!
This is all part of the plan.これも策のうちです。
Er, is that it?…あんまり変わりませんでしたね。


I'm glad you see my strategic value to the team.嬉しいです。私に戦力的な価値を見出してくれたんですね。

5성 40레벨 달성

We've been through a lot together on the battlefield, and I've watched you every step of the way.
Not to be presumptuous, but the way you fight, your tactical skill, the way you keep everyone safe...
It all reminds me of myself and how I led my friends in battle back in my own world.
That means I also know how much you care about all of us and how painful your position can be.
If that weight gets to be too much, I want you to lean on me. After all, I've been at this for a while...
I might just come up with an amazing plan that solves all your problems, on or off the battlefield!




Part of the plan...策のうちです…っ

오의 발동

Time to tip the scales!戦局を変えます!
Bet you didn't see that coming!読みが甘いです!
As I predicted!読み通りです!
Our bonds give me strength!これが絆です!




Oh, hey! I was just thinking I'd like to chat with you.お話ししたいなって思っていたんです
Let's work on a battle plan together.一緒に策でも考えましょう
I understand you're the tactician for this team.特務機関の参謀は、あなたなんですか?
I don't know why, but I feel a strange kinship with you.あなたはなんだか、他人とは思えません
My time before I arrived in Ylisse was a blank. No memories at all.私には、イーリスに来るまでの記憶がないんです
I wonder if Chrom is around here...クロムさんはどこにいるんでしょうか…
I look forward to working with you for a good, long time.これからも一緒に頑張りましょうね。あなたの役に立つ、とびきりの策を考えます。

아군 턴 터치

On it.行きますよ

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I bestow death.死を与えます
It is already over!もう終わりです!
Rest peacefully, at least...せめて安らかに…
Do you intend to persist?まだやるのですか?

패배 - 신장

The realm of the dead calls...ここが…死の国…?

상태창 - 신장

This outfit is... Well, it's a little macabre, isn't it?これはまた…、おどろおどろしい衣装ですね。
*gasp* I was so surprised, I thought my heart would stop.きゃっ!? はあ、びっくりして心臓が止まるかと思いました。
Princess Eir is often quiet, but I do not believe she is cold-hearted.エイル王女は物静かですが、冷たい方ではないと思います。
The realm of the dead is certainly frightening. But aren't you a little bit curious what it looks like?死の国ですか…。怖いけど、ちょっと覗いてみたくもありますね。
Chrom appears to think this is an unusual state of affairs, and won't stop eyeing me. I wish he'd just get used to it.クロムさんが珍しがって、ジロジロ見るんですよ。恥ずかしいです…
I hope that all those who perish in battle can find a peaceful rest. They deserve that much, at least.辛い戦いの果てに、せめて安らかな眠りがありますように…
The warmth of your hands is something I hope I can always protect.あなたのこの温かい手を、これからも守っていきたいんです。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

We are of one mind.わかりました
What shall I do?どうしましょう?
Death approaches...死の気配が…

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